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Current DRAGON Experiments

Title:  A Study of the 13N(p,g)14O Reaction with a 13N Beam
Spokesperson:  Jim King
E-mail address:  king@physics.utoronto.ca
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  • Research Proposal (PDF)
  • Progress Report (PDF)

  • E810
    Title:  First direct study of the 23Mg(p,g)24Al reaction with a recoil mass separator (DRAGON)
    Spokesperson:  U. Greife
    E-mail address:  greife@ep3.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
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    Original Proposal (PDF)
    Updated Proposal (PDF)

    Title:  A direct study of the 19Ne(p,g)20Na reaction with a recoil mass separator (DRAGON)
    Spokesperson:  U. Greife
    E-mail address:  ugreife@mines.edu
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    Original Proposal (PDF)
    Updated Proposal (PDF)

    Title:  Proposed Study of the 15O(alpha,g)19Ne Reaction
    Spokesperson:  L. Buchmann
    E-mail address:  lothar@triumf.ca
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  • Research Proposal (incomplete) (PDF)

  • E824
    Title:  Measurement of the Astrophysical Rate of the 21Na(p,g)22Mg Reaction
    Spokesperson:  J.M. D'Auria / N.P.T. Bateman
    E-mail address:  dauria@sfu.ca
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  • Research Proposal (PDF)
  • Progress Report (PDF)

  • E908
    Title:  Measurement of the Astrophysical Rate of the 20Na(p,g)21Mg Reaction
    Spokesperson:  J.M. D'Auria / A.A. Chen
    E-mail address:  dauria@sfu.ca
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  • Research Proposal (PDF)

  • E922
    Title:  On the Production of 26Al in Novae: Measurement of the 25Al(p,g)26Si Reaction Rate
    Spokesperson:  A.A. Chen
    E-mail address:  achen@triumf.ca
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  • Research Proposal (PDF)

  • E946
    Title:  Energy Generation and Nucleosynthesis in the HotCNO Cycles: Measurement of the 17F(p,g)18Ne Reaction Rate
    Spokesperson:  A.A. Chen
    E-mail address:  chenal@mcmaster.ca
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  • Research Proposal (PDF)

  • E947
    Title:  Evaluation of the competition between single-step and multi-step gamma decay in the 12C(12C,g)24Mg reaction
    Spokesperson:  D.G. Jenkins
    E-mail address:  dj4@york.ac.uk
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  • Research Proposal (PDF)

  • E952
    Title:  12C(alpha,g)16O at DRAGON
    Spokesperson:  L. Buchmann
    E-mail address:  lothar@triumf.ca
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  • Research Proposal (PDF)
  • Status Report 2003 (PS)

  • E964
    Title:  A study of the partial and total cross sections of the 8Li(alpha,n)11B reaction at astrophysically relevant energies
    Spokesperson:  P. Walden / A.M. Laird
    E-mail address:  mrspi@triumf.ca
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  • Research Proposal (PDF)

  • E983
    Title:  Direct measurement of astrophysical 11C(p,g)12N Reaction at DRAGON
    Spokesperson:  Weiping Liu
    E-mail address:  wpliu@iris.ciae.ac.cn
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  • E983 Research Proposal (PDF)

  • E989
    Title:  Astrophysical studies using 26Al ground-state and isomeric beams (to be submitted to EEC 8/12/03)
    Spokesperson:  Chris Ruiz
    E-mail address:  ruiz@triumf.ca
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  • E989 Research Proposal (PDF)
  • E990: TUDA resonant elastic scattering proposal (PDF)

  • E995
    Alternate Production
    Title:  An Alternative Approach to Radioactive Beam Production for Volatile Elements: Proof-of-Principle
    Spokesperson:  John D'Auria / Suzy Lapi
    E-mail address:  dauria@sfu.ca
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  • E995 Research Proposal (Word .doc)

  • E1024
    Title:  40Ca(a,g)44Ti for Astrophysics
    Spokesperson:  Christof Vockenhuber
    E-mail address:  vockenh@triumf.ca
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  • E1024 Research Proposal (PDF)

  • E1027
    Title:  Measurement of the 22Na(p,g) Reaction Rate
    Spokesperson:  Jac Caggiano
    E-mail address:  caggiano@triumf.ca
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  • E1027 Research Proposal (PDF)

  • E1071
    Title:  Measurement of the 25Al(p,g)26Si reaction rate
    Spokesperson:  Catherine Deibel
    E-mail address:  catherine.deibel@yale.edu
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  • E1071 Research Proposal (PDF)

  • E1076
    Title:  The 17O(p,g)18F Reaction and 18F Abundance in Novae
    Spokesperson:  Jonty Pearson
    E-mail address:  jonty@triumf.ca
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  • E1076 Research Proposal (PDF)

  • S1106
    Title:  Nova Observables - 18F Abundance and the 17O(p,a)14N Reaction
    Spokesperson:  R. Lewis
    E-mail address:  rl513@york.ac.uk
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  • S1106 Research Proposal (PDF)

  • S1108
    Title:  The 30P(p,g)31S Reaction Rate in Classical Novae
    Spokesperson:  D. Hutcheon / C. Wrede
    E-mail address:  hutcheon@triumf.ca / wrede@yale.edu
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  • S1108 Research Proposal (PDF)

  • S1122
    Title:  Measurement of the 33S(p,g)34Cl reaction rates with DRAGON
    Spokesperson:  A. Parikh
    E-mail address:  xrayburst@gmail.com
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  • S1122 Research Proposal (PDF)

  • S1125
    Title:  Reinvestigation of the 189 keV resonance in the 25Mg(p,g)26Al reaction
    Spokesperson:  C. Vockenhuber / A. Wallner
    E-mail address:  christof.vockenhuber@triumf.ca / anton.wallner@univie.ac.at
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  • S1125 Research Proposal (PDF)

  • S1156
    Alternative Extraction of P-30
    Title:  Study of Alternative Extraction Methods for Phosphorus-30 Beams
    Spokesperson:  D.A. Hutcheon
    E-mail address:  hutcheon@triumf.ca
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    S1156 Research Proposal (PDF)