DRAGON Meeting 26.9.05 Present: PM (Peter Machule), MT (Mike Trinczek), JDA (John D’Auria), AH (Ahmed Hussein), DFOT (Dave Ottewell), AO (Art Olin), JP (Jonty Pearson), CV (Cristof Vockenhuber), Chuck Davis, LF (Lisa Fogarty)-recorder. Started 14:02 1) Minutes of previous meeting: Should be prepared in text format or pdf is ok also. 2) Business Arising: None. 3) DRAGON Hardware: Iris: DFOT-reasonable progress has been made. The second last piece has arrived and machine shop is 80% complete, they will possibly be finished tomorrow. There is 80% chance of having the iris in by the start of the run. JDA-What about epics? –No this will be operated entirely manually. JDA-What else needs to be done in the lead up to the run? CR (absent) left email instructions to put on the lead shield around the gas target. PM will check into the problem with the FC bias. CV and LF will put in the DSSSD this afternoon with JDA and DFOT also. JDA-Are MCP foils still intact? CV said CR checked this before leaving and they were good. Possibly check again though. The Charge State Booster is out. We need to mount SB0 again as it was taken out when the CSB was in use. JP-It is important to ensure that the preamps for both surface barrier detectors sit near the BGO array with the pre-amp cases touching against them. This is to prevent noise in the detectors. AO-Could run a grounding braid instead so position would not matter the cases would still be grounded. MT-Was speaking to Matt Pearson and the lasers are now aligned. Good news. 4) E1024: CV showed plots of the energy distribution of the beam at the start and end of the Sept. 05 Ca40 run, taken with both MD1 (by DRAGON) and the HARP scanner (by ISAC Operators) These plots agree. They are attached. MT-We should get a HARP scan every time we have an energy change, to ensure good quality beam. The bad beam seen here affects only one of the DRAGON data points on the yield plot. (Attached) CV showed plots of charge state distribution of beam and of recoils (Attached) CV intends to write something technical for NIM B about the charge state booster by Dec 1. CO (absent) will be looking into the runs in more detail soon. 5) E989: JC not present. There will be a discussion about this at the next meeting. 6) Proposed O-17(p,gamma) Experiment: JP is preparing a presentation on this for the EEC. One problem with this is DRAGON acceptance, it may be possible to use Rutherford scattered protons from the target detected on the Si detector to determine the acceptance. JP would like to try this at some stage before the EEC conference. JDA-JP should put papers together and send to possible collaborators for feedback. Another possible problem is the tiny (expected) resonance strength. This is of the order of micro eVs. However there should be a very high beam intensity, on the order of 3x10^11 particles per second. Stripper foils will not last long at this intensity, other options should be explored? 7) AOB: JDA is going to give a talk in ISOLDE as they are having a review. They may decide to build a DRAGON-like separator. AO-Cybele Jewett gave a talk at the Hawaii conference. JP will be contactable via e-mail for the beginning of the run. CV orders more SiN foils. Adjourned 14:45