DRAGON Meeting Minutes 26/9/06 Present: CR (recorder), JDA, PM, DO, CD, JP, LB, GR 1. Hardware Ceramic tubes conditioning, up to 179kV on ED1 at last check, going to continue up to 200 kV> Need to consult DH on this. All in all, very satisfactory. 2. Acceptance Jonty will write up an action plan for continuing acceptance tests, in coming few weeks. Lothar has submitted an REA for the photodiode mounts, but hasn't heard anything back yet. 3. 22Na(p,g) Mike T has suggested tuesday 3rd October for Seattle visit, and has consulted with U Washington on this. May be a problem, as Lothar was told it was the 4th, so need Mike to confirm suggested day ASAP. 4. 18F(p,g) Alison Laird has inquired about the possibility of a 18F(p,g) submission, given that there is the prospect of flourine beams this year. It was pointed out that we are in the same situation as we were in the beginning with 26Al. The group agreed that we should look into putting in a proposal, work done by Alison, maybe Jonty, and perhaps help from Chris. Chris and Jonty will present some info on the reaction next week. 5. AOB. Seminar on X-Ray bursts and the 15O(a,g)19Ne reaction next monday, by R. Cooper from Harvard-Smithsonian. Congratulations from all the DRAGON group to Christof and Mikaela on their new family addition!!