---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 13:13:36 -0700 From: Chris Wrede To: Dave Ottewell , dauria@sfu.ca, hussein@unbc.ca, wrede@triumf.ca Subject: DSSSD figures Dave, Could you include this attachment and text with the minutes? Thanks. -Chris DRAGONeers, Ahmed and I did some tests over the weekend and it appears that DRAGON will be able to use its fried detectors without significant degradation in performance provided that the cooling system is installed. Here are the spectra that I was going to show at today's meeting. There are three spectra. Each spectrum is of a thick, uncollimated Am-241 alpha source placed ~20cm from the surface of the detector. The first spectrum is using DSSSD 2069-3 (fried July '02) at 17V bias, the maximum bias that can be applied without exceeding a leakage current of 2.0uA. The energy resolution is 1.1% FWHM. This is equal to the resolution obtained with an unfried SSSSD at 50V with the same source and geometry. An unfried detector will not produce a signal of this quality at 17V. This is be explained below. When cooled, the leakage current drops exponentially with temperature, so the fried detector can be run at 50V or higher if desired. For this reason, timing resolution will likely not be jeopardized. The second spectrum is taken using the fried (Oct '01) DSSSD (2069-5) that allows the least voltage for a leakage current < 2.0uA for any of our fried detectors; i.e. it is fried the worst. The spectrum was taken at a bias of 9.5V (where I=2.0uA) at room temperature. There are no counts over threshold. This detector does not produce a good signal at room temperature. I include this null spectrum for comparison with the next one. The third spectrum is taken with the same detector (2069-5) at a cold plate temperature of 0degC (this corresponds to a detector temp of ~3degC), for which the leakage current is 0.88uA. The temperature and current can be reduced further if desired (we can go as low as -14degC). The spectrum has a resolution of 1.2% FWHM. Clearly, the detector works poorly at room temperature and like new when cooled. We have been assuming that a detector that can't hold 50V bias is useless. With a moderate particle fluence, the resistivity of the bulk silicon decreases; this is clear from the increase in leakage current in our fried detectors. The decrease in resistivity makes it possible to run at lower bias voltage (the electron-hole pairs have an easier time being swept up). This explains the good quality spectrum obtained from the moderately fried detector 2069-3 at the low bias of 17V. For larger fluences, acceptor states are produced in the bulk n-type silicon which trap electrons and a negative space charge is built up. A higher bias than usual is required to overcome this effect (for large fluences, V(bias) is proportional to fluence). This is what eventually renders a DSSSD unusable. None of our DSSSDs have reached the point of destruction by fluence. Although the initial motivation for cooling the DSSSDs was improving their energy resolution, it should rather have been the same motivation that most groups have for cooling their DSSSDs: cooling allows one to use a DSSSD to detect particles even after it has detected some particles. -Chris