DRAGON Collaboration Meeting 24 September 2002 Present: J. D'Auria, D. Gigliotti, C. Jewett, D. Hutcheon, D. Ottewell(recorder), L. Buchmann, A. Olin, P. Machule 1. Announcements J.D'Auria stated that the DRAGON facility paper is now in motion again. J. Rogers' figure is now included and there will be a distribution by the end of September. A group of desk spaces for DRAGON people is being reserved in the new ISAC II building. 2. Facility status There is a plan for delivery of stable beam for 1 week starting October 3rd. Due to conferences etc. there is a shortage of people to man shifts. The delivery of the Xantrex power supplies is expected soon, but we will not try to have them in use for the stable beam run due to servicing complexities. The elevated walkways are nearing completion, the end to the gas target is done, and the south end not quite complete. There has been no conditioning yet of the Electric Dipoles. They are now being pumped on for the first time solely by the ion pumps. The ion pumps seem to be able to maintain 3 E -7 Torr of pressure in the tanks. The control system needs work to recognize this situation and M. LeRoss will be contacted. L. Buchman raised the issue of the RGA head being captive on the tank of ED1. There was discussion of buying another head rather than venting the tank. The RGA may be useful there in trials to 200 kV. The Leybold Ecodry pump is crated and ready for shipping. 3. Discussion topics There is a request for notification to the DRAGON colloboration when there are experimental proposals that will use the DRAGON equipment. These include recent proposals such as TUDA using the gamma array and the 12C(alpha, gamma) proposal. It was felt that we should all be aware of these commitments. 15O(alpha, gamma) was a lively topic after Barry Davids' talk. Included with the minutes is D. Hutcheon's comments, also L. Buchmann's and Uwe's Griefman's reaction to this. The 4.033 MeV resonance now seems less useful for novae, but it and higher resonances can come into play in x-ray bursts. With the plausible intensity available from ISAC over the next 2 or 3 years, there may be need to be a change in motivation to do the experiment. This may require a status report back to the EEC. The availabilty of the charge state booster may change the thinking on this exeriment. It is in crates in Grenoble and could be installed at TRIUMF in 1 year. C. Wrede was not at the meeting due to class conflicts, but has had success in reviving damaged strip detectors by cooling them. They have more noise than before. A. Olin wondered about annealing them, from 100C to 800C. C. Wrede's report is attached (text and figures). The Italian science RIB groups' visit at TRIUMF is 16 Oct to 18 Oct. There will be recognition of our Naples collaborators.