Minutes of DRAGON meeting on 19/09/06. ====================================== Dragoneers Present: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DH, DO, CD, LB, JDA, CR, CV, MT, GR, AH, PM, JP (recorder). 1. Previous Minutes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DO - Dipole ceramic tubes pulled out -> should be poly tubes. 2. Business Arising: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DH - Revised version of CSD paper submitted. LB - Revised C12 paper resubmitted - gone to referee. MT - Yields from surface-ionization source. Testing all possible schemes for ionizing Al. Attempts also being made to ionize Zn. Intensity of F of 10^7. Febiad being tested at stand being and commissioned offline. Plan to use it at end of October with TiC target. 3. Hardware Status: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PM - New ceramic tubes. East-side ceramic tube installed and back-filled with SF6. West side to be pumped down and filled. Should be able to turn on on 20/09/06. Vacuum is coming down nicely. Things look as though they will be fine. DO - Acceptance. Completed initial concept for 8" box to go where BCMs are located. Should be possible to use x-y scanning of beam profile. Hopefully built in around 2 weeks. LB - Solar-cell detector array. See schematic attachment. Will be used as a backup project if the BCM-location scanning device does not work. Submit REA, aim to use it early next year. JDA - Discuss making stronger alpha source. New one would take 6 months to make at least. Decide that it would be very difficult to make a new one. 4. Beam Schedule: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DH - Beam time dependent upon: i RFQ leak fix ii Operating licence for ISAC II iii ISAC II operator training iv TITAN beamtime v MAYA ready For stable beams, Dragon will request 17O and 20Ne as development time. 5. Grant Application Status: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DH - We need to choose a high profile experiment for next 3 year grant. All existing experiment proposals are very good (all still valid with possible exception of 15O) but do not have beam. Need to think of new directions to head - do not want to be seen as if we are sitting waiting for beam but not madly trying to find something to do. Need to decide on statements about further 12C work. Possible further experiments to add: CV - 45V(p,g) as example of follow on 40Ca experiment JDA - 35Ar(p,g) had some interest at one time Mention other uses of Dragon such as: i Mounting TACTIC on gas target for 12C-12C. ii 17O(p,a) Deadline is at the end of October. 5. 22Na lifetime: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GR - Preliminary analysis suggests rate seems lower rather than higher! Need to do further checking and improve experimental setup. Rolfs quotes 0.2 % error (no discussion of systematics in his paper though) so we must do better. 6 Other: ~~~~~~~~ MT - EOC's report now on web (without title page). DH - Status of 22Na experiment. Should visit Seattle to assess current situation. MT will make arrangements for visit. Call for interested parties to volunteer time to visit Seattle. MT - New pictures on web for TUDA and TRIUMF, useful for talks, papers, reports etc. DH - Next meeting will not be in usual place due to TIGRESS meeting.