Minutes of DRAGON meeting, 14 September 2004. Present: Art Olin (AO), Chris Ruiz (CR), Christof Vockenhuber (CV), Dave Hutcheon (DH), Dave Ottewell (DFOT), Goetz Ruprecht (GR), Jac Caggiano (JC), Jonty Pearson (JP), Lothar Buchmann (LB), Peter Machule (PM), Mike Trinczek (MT) - recorder. 1. Corrections to Previous Minutes: None, as they have yet to be distributed due to a failure of DH's computer. 2. Facility Status: a) Magnet PS DH - Klaus Reiniger is back and will be working on it with some urgency. b) ED1 DFOT - Don Dale has the new stack tested and ready. PM will install. c) PGAC JC - Has been testing different gasses, including Argon with 10% Methane. Robert Openshaw has suggested trying DiMetylEther instead of Isobutane in order to produce more electrons. There is some concern about DiMetylEther "eating things", but AO reports it has been working okay for TWIST... d) DAQ JP - There has been some progress with talking to memory modules. Will try to daisy-chain them. It is possible to run with just one, but timing might be compromised. AO and JP discuss intricacies of reading the memories. DH - There is about 2 weeks until beam, we will need closure to have the DAQ ready to go. For those interested being trained in the use of ROOT, see JP. e) IC, mods and gas system DFOT - Chamber is back from shop. IC is installed and passes leak testing. Can now be installed on the beamline and all hoses, cables, etc hooked up. There is an elaborate chimney designed for pressure relief in the event of a mishap. DFOT assures that it is "not too ugly". DH informs everyone that safety concern is real: Estimated energy release is about a "dozen potato guns", with 4000 K and 15 atm... DH - Safety report is being prepared. 3. Feedback on Stable Beam Draft Plan AO - Will be away during November which could be a potential problem for the testing of the Catania detector. Ahmed Hussein will probably be around. AO will ask. 4. EEC preliminary outline of 26Si(p,g) JC presents his ideas and discussion ensues. [Attachment 1] 5. Plans for Paper preparations DH - Will be working on commissioning paper. JDA has said that he will work on producing paper from Mike Lamey's thesis work; Mike has indicated that he will help from Notre Dame. 6. AOB DH - Dario will try to arrange a practice talk tomorrow for his thesis defense on Friday. PM - UltraVNC is now available with claims of 20% speed increase and backward compatibility. Will install on CCD camera PC...