Minutes of the 12 Sept., 2006 DRAG ON Meeting Present: Jd'A, DH, CD, PM, LB, DO, CV, MT, GR 1. Minutes of the previous meeting, accepted. 2. Hardware Ceramic tubes: They were pulled out yesterday. The corona rings were found to be not the modified design and are being remachined. Will not be closed up by EOB today. 3. Acceptance studies a) Report on alignment checks (DO) Referenced to the South pillar, MD2 is 1.2 mm low at the yoke mark and 1.72 mm low at the pole. MD1 is 0.6 mm low at the yoke mark and 0.029" (~0.75 mm) high at the pole. MD1 is tilted (side to side) by 0.005" per foot. North wall mark is high by 0.4 mm. Probably only need to be concerned about pole heights (DH). Some concern that offsets are approaching 2 mm (DO). b) No light was observed from the ZnS screen (borrowed from TUDA) irradiated by Gd alpha-source and viewed by the CCD camera. Camera peak sensitivity is in green light (Q.E. ~60%) according to the manual. (CD) c) LB will sketch a system of solar cells to provide large area detection of expanded trajectory envelopes in the separator. 4. Availability of accelerated beam: They are working on a fix of the water leak in the RFQ. 5 weeks to find/fix/reassemble 3 weeks to recondition 1 week contingency ==> No beam before mid-November unless conditioning/contingency turn out shorter 5. 40Ca(a,g) analysis CV & CO made a list and they are half-way through it (CV) Have to use appropriate cuts before they can really present any results. Remaining: Charge state distributions, BGO efficiency included run-by-run. 6. 22Na(p,g) tests Test on heat transfer through pieces of Cu show 3 or 4 degree rise for a 10 W load (as opposed to using a monolithic piece of Cu). 7. CSD paper DH responds/reacts to referee's comments. He is having trouble with the electronic (re)submission. 8. 12C(a,g) paper. LB is accepting comments. 9. Yields Observed fluorides from target. Mass 17: BaF ~ 10**6 Little/no aluminum was observed. CF4 test fails due to a hardware problem. (MT) 10. A.O.B. Lengthy discussion about possible 'flagship' reaction to highlight the DRAGON NSERC grant application. DH will distribute before next meeting a draft to serve as a baseline for further discussion of future plans.