Minutes of DRAGON meeting, September 6th, 2004. --------------------------------------------- Present: JDA, DH, DO, JC, CR, LB, AO, PM, GR, JP (recorder) 1. Beam-time requests ---------------------- CV: Requests made by email (outlined in attachment 1) DH: End-detector test for local TOF Si charge states measurement 23Na(p,g) measurements (outlined in attachment 2) LB: O charge states measurement AO: Catania detector tests JC: 23Na(p,g) 138 keV resonance (outlined in attachment 3) 17O(p,g) tentatively (outlined in attachment 4) JDA: 11C alternative production method attempts 2. KO's report --------------- JDA: Reports of the 4 values for omega-gamma given in KO's end of term report is a matter of concern. DH: Suggests using beam-time to re-measure the charge state distribution of 21Ne(p,g). Could also check the old tunes. AO: Reminds everyone that the collimators would also need changing to make a proper comparison with the old tunes. 3. Hardware status ------------------- PM: Offline tests with ED1 carried out previous Wednesday/Thursday. Burn marks found on nylon parts within ED1 were removed with sandpaper (likely to be due to resistors arcing). New boards now have resistors on both sides and arcing should be less likely as it would have to be through the board rather than across the surface. May apply same construction technique to diode boards. JP: DAQ has been debugged such that data taking works for both heavy-ions and gammas. Obtained VME memory modules and attempting to talk to them. Plan is to get the readout through VME and then consolidate all changes in preparation for October running. DH: swapping power supplies on last two sextupoles for those currently attached to last two quadrupoles (which were also incorrectly wired). PM: Y-slits appear to be OK, or at least no problem found. There is some play in the fixings of the X-slits which could feasible cause a short between the slits and the faraday cup behind. JC: PGAC timing improved to 1.2 ns (using 3 planes of wires @ 50 microns). AO suggests talking to someone in the detector lab who has a fundamental understanding of such devices. JC would appreciate a new source that's stronger than the one currently in use. Cost of around $500. DO: Top of the IC to have a 4 inch port added, incase of an explosion inside the chamber. DH estimates 20-30 spud guns fired simultaneously could cause the same amount of damage. New GHS for the IC is also still underway. A preliminary drawing of the new system is shown in attachment 5.