Nuclear Physics Town Hall Meeting TRIUMF, Vancouver, BC Sept 9,10/2005 -- FRIDAY AM -- Registration outside auditorium INTRODUCTORY SESSION Garth Huber, Chair 09:00 "Subatomic Physics Long Range Planning Committee Status" (15+5) Ken Ragan, Chair of the NSERC LRPC 09:20 "The Revolution in Nuclear Theory" (50+10) Byron Jennings, TRIUMF 10:20 "TRIUMF Status and the 2005-10 Plan" (20+5) J.M. Poutissou, TRIUMF 10:45 Coffee and Discussion HADRON STRUCTURE Elie Korkmaz, Chair Malcolm Butler, Secretary 11:15 "Investigations of Hadronic Structure using Electromagnetic Probes" (20+5) David Hornidge, Mt. Allison on behalf of Garth Huber, Regina, Adam Sarty, St. Mary's 11:40 "Nucleon Weak Form Factors (G0)" (15+5) Jeff Martin, Winnipeg 12:00 Lunch at TRIUMF Cafeteria --FRIDAY PM -- NUCLEAR STRUCTURE AND REACTIONS Malcolm Butler, Chair Garth Huber, Secretary 13:00 "Precision atomic laser spectroscopy on radioactives" (20+5) Matt Pearson, TRIUMF 13:25 "Reaction mechanisms and isospin influence from collision studies at ISAC-II energies" (20+5) Rene Roy, Laval 13:50 "Nuclear structure/astrophysics with the 8pi spectrometer" (20+5) Paul Garrett, Guelph 14:15 "Opportunities for TIGRESS at ISAC-II" (20+5) Roby Austin, St. Mary's 14:40 "TIGRESS research at ISAC-I and the Electric Dipole Moment Search Program" (20+5) Carl Svensson, Guelph 15:05 Coffee and Discussion SYMMETRY AND STANDARD MODEL TESTS - I J.M. Poutissou, Chair Garth Huber, Secretary 15:35 "Ultra-cold francium at ISAC: tests of the Standard Model, nuclear anapole moments, and nuclear magnetism" (20+5) Gerald Gwinner, Manitoba 16:00 "Physics program of the TITAN Collaboration" (20+5) Jens Dilling, TRIUMF 16:25 "Studies of super allowed beta decay" (20+5) Paul Garrett, Guelph on behalf of Gordon Ball, TRIUMF 16:50 "Correlations in nuclear beta decay using TRIUMF's neutral atom trap (TRINAT)" (20+5) John Behr, TRIUMF 17:15 Adjourn for Day 1 --SATURDAY AM -- NUCLEAR ASTROPHYSICS Paul Garrett, Chair Jens Dilling, Secretary 08:30 "Experimental nuclear astrophysics with stable and radioactive heavy ion beams using the DRAGON facility" (30+10) John d'Auria, TRIUMF 09:10 "Indirect Methods in Nuclear Astrophysics (EMMA)" (20+5) Barry Davids, TRIUMF 09:35 "Nuclear Astrophysics Studies with TUDA/TUDA-2" (20+5) Pat Walden, TRIUMF 10:00 Coffee and Discussion SYMMETRY AND STANDARD MODEL TESTS - II Jens Dilling, Chair Paul Garrett, Secretary 10:30 "T-violation and J-PARC" (20+5) Chary Rangacharyulu, Saskatchewan 10:55 "Tests of the Standard Model: Qweak, 12 GeV Moller at JLab" (20+5) Jeff Martin, Winnipeg 11:20 "Fundamental physics with cold neutrons at the SNS (weak interaction tests)" (20+5) Shelley Page, Manitoba 11:45 "Current Status of and Future Plans for the Canadian Penning Trap Mass Spectrometer at the Argonne National Laboratory" (20+5) Kumar S. Sharma, Manitoba 12:10 "ALPHA antihydrogen symmetry test" (20+5) Makoto Fujiwara, TRIUMF 12:35 Box Lunch at TRIUMF -- SATURDAY PM -- FUTURE FACILITIES Garth Huber, Chair Elie Korkmaz, Secretary 13:30 "SNOLAB Projects Overview" (40+20) Mark Chen, Queen's 14:30 "TRIUMF Possibilities for the upcoming 2010-15 Plan" (15+45) J.M. Poutissou, TRIUMF Discussion includes short presentations by: Lothar Buchman - Storage rings at ISAC Art Olin - pi>e+nu branching ratio 15:30 Coffee and Discussion NUCLEAR THEORY WORKSHOP Malcolm Butler, Chair J.M. Poutissou, Secretary 16:00 "Overview of Canadian Nuclear Theory" (10+50) Malcolm Butler, St. Mary's Topics to be discussed: -Funding to nuclear theory -Promoting the hiring of nuclear theorists -Access to institutional resources for nuclear theorists -Computational needs -Synergy with experimental efforts in Canada (how well do the interests of Canadian theorists overlap with the experimental program?) 17:00 GENERAL DISCUSSION 17:30 Adjourn