Minutes of DRAGON meeting, 5 September 2006. Present: Lothar Buchmann (LB), Charles Davis (CD), Dave Hutcheon (DH), Peter Machule (PM), Dave Ottewell (DFOT), Chris Ruiz (CR), Goetz Ruprecht (GR), Christof Vockenhuber (CV), Ahmed Hussein (AH)- recorder. Meeting started at 2:00 PM 1. Previous minutes: Approved 2. Hardware: 2.1 Ceramic tubes will be installed late next week. It may take 2 days to finish the installation and start the conditioning of ED1. 2.2. Evan O'Connor's report on alpha-acceptance measurements was discussed. The results suggest a need to measure beam spread at various locations along the DRAGON line. A lively and long discussion, on how to pursue the measurements and detect the alpha particles, took place. Charles Davis and Dave Ottewell will look into the best detection method and report back to the group. 2.3 22Na: Dave Hucheon and Peter Machule are investigating the heat conduction through the target. The problem of finding out the real size of the target is still unresolved. 3. Chris Ruiz reported on his search for (p,g) reactions that are suitable for experiments using DRAGON. There are 13 possible reactions that need further investigation in more detail. The report and its spreadsheet will be available on line. 4. Meeting adjourned at 3:17 PM.