DRAGON MEETING MINUTES - All Hallows Eve, 2006 Present: PM, CR (Rec), GR JP, MT, CV, DFO, DAH, JDA, LB, AH 1. Hardware o One of Varian IGs needs repaired. PM to talk to Vacuum Group to see about modifications. o Beam stops tomorrow (Wednesday), MT and DFO to go to Mass Sep room to look at 22Na targets. 2. Alpha Acceptance o DSSD at mass slit box, YSLITS removed. DSSD 3mm lower than optic axis. o JP shows hit-patter projections, source at 0, -2mm and +2mm in y, at gas target z,x center. o GT exit aperture was removed. o Acceptance max at +2mm, suggesting gas target is lower than optic axis. o Next step: more GEANT calculations. o How to fix? Raise whole target (everything supported by yellow framework) + check collimators. o JP and CV suggest collimating source to look at on-axis alphas with Quads on and off, but it was commented that rate would be extremely low. o Perhaps temporarily move gas target and assembly up for tests with beam? o John: Jac was at PNL and mentioned actinides for potential strong alpha source. 3. 20Ne(p,g)21Na o Will be running this weekend, starting Friday. Objective: why do our 20Ne(p,g) results for the 1162 keV resonance differ from our own measurement and literatue? o Will be running owl shifts. o Do we need another resonance for comparison? o CR: there are 21Ne+p resonances at 667 and 730 keV that are strong and under the target width. 4. 22Na lifetime Expt. o Rolfs paper is out in European Journal Phys. Claims change in 22Na lifetime. They measured 2 days at room temperature then 3 days at 12K. o The ratio of rates claimed is 1.2+/-0.2 % o 7Be and 137Cs were reference sources. o Goetz's measurement: 511 rate strange, correlated to cyclotron starting up. o Compressor on/off affects reference source position - mechanical stress - but always moves back to same spot. Do we know this for sure? o No change seen at all in our measurement despite better stats and better control. o Improved experimental design is underway. 5. AOB JDA brings attention to papers on 23Al decay regarding 23Mg states.