From Tue Nov 5 09:10:40 2002 Date: Sun, 03 Nov 2002 00:09:00 -0800 From: John D'Auria To: Internal: ; Subject: DRAGON Minutes Oct 26, 2002 Minutes of the October 26, 2002 DRAGON Meeting Present: John D'Auria(JDA), Dave Hutcheon(DAH), Joel Rogers(JR), Lothar Buchmann(LB), Alison Laird(AL), Sabine Engel(SE), Cybele Jewett(CJ), Dario Gigliotti(DG) (recording), Shawn Bishop(SB) 1) Previous minutes were adopted with no corrections 2) Hardware Miscellaneous Hardware Notes -installation of new MD power supplies will be deferred until December -cables are being run for a remote range adjust for the NMR probe -it was noted that the cable to the DSSSD rate meter should be checked before beginning a run to make sure it is plugged in -FC1 has been reinstalled and is now functioning -it was noted that there would be a "DRAGON only" power outage tomorrow (Wednesday) -there is some talk now that the SFU trailers may stay in there present location rather than being removed entirely from the site -TSG has requested that an inventory be taken of current sources checked out by DRAGON group members to insure all sources are accounted for -there was some question as to whether the group still has a new "untouched" DSSSD detector on the shelf CCD Camera Related Notes DAH presented some slides of images taken by the CCD camera looking upstream into the DRAGON gas target of beam going through the target. See the attached figures for futher details. -it should be noted that the pixels in the images represent approximately 11 microns -slide two represents what should be a centred beam on target -the pixels surrounding the centre "beam spot" are thought to be reflections from materials of the beam pipes, pumping tubes, etc. -the difference between slide two and three is that beam was moved 1.5 off centre Elastic Monitor Related Notes -the problem of the "wide peaks" are reappearing in the elastic monitors -it is unclear at the moment why the detectors seem to be breaking down -JR is continuing his study of the problem 3) Li8(a,n)B11 Experiment Ion Chamber AL gave a presentation of a possible ion chamber design for the Li-8 experiment. The following notes and points made by group members are summarized below. See the attached figures for further details of the ion chamber. -the experiment will run near the minimum range of beam energies available at 0.4 MeV/u -it is proposed that this experiment will be carried out on the TUDA beam line where the DRAGON BGO array will adapted to surround the proposed ion chamber -because of the existence of a diagnostics box attached to the ion chamber there was not sufficient room on the DRAGON beam line to adapt the ion chamber to the DRAGON beam line instead -the BGO array is required to measure the gammas released from excited states in Boron-11 -it is anticipated that current TUDA DAQ will be used in conjunction with DRAGON BGO DAQ -there was some discussion as to how BGO electronics will be integrated to the TUDA DAQ -some of the following characteristics were noted for the proposed ion chamber -He gas central region, which is surrounded by a aluminized thin foil, outside this foil a region of isobutane gas encased in a cylinder containing anode strips to detect the B11 -thin windows are estimated to be 50 micro grams per cm^2 -collection time will be in the micro second range -a count rate of 10 count/s is anticipated for high cross section runs with a beam intensity of 10^7 -the question was asked about the possibility of a window breaking (JDA) -will He feed into beam line? -is a fast valve required to isolate the chamber from the beam line? -what would be the time required to change a broken window? -the question was asked as to why the existing TUDA silicon detector would not be used for this experiment (JR) -the existing detector has too large a dead layer to be used in this chamber -the question was asked if it would be possible to run the experiment at lower beam intensities (DAH) -this may allow all particles to be tracked and possibly simplify the design for the chamber -it was noted that previous experiments failed because of beam intensities of 10^3 -the ion chamber project is anticipated to be at least a one year developement -it was suggested that a trial run of the ion chamber proposal be given before presentation to the EEC -there will be a note sent out by Monday, Nov 4, 2002 asking for collaborators -it should be noted that this experiment will have an impact on the DRAGON program 4) A note on the C12C12 experiment -the proposal has been sent out as EEC format -physics in the proposal has not changed from first round 5) Joel has written a short manual on how to do analysis using Paw++ -see the no panic book and attachments to these minutes for the details of this procedure [ Part 2, Application/POSTSCRIPT 148KB. ] [ Unable to print this part. ] [ Part 3, Application/POSTSCRIPT 20KB. ] [ Unable to print this part. ] [ Part 4, Application/POSTSCRIPT 25KB. ] [ Unable to print this part. ] [ Part 5, Application/POSTSCRIPT 20KB. ] [ Unable to print this part. ] [ Part 6, Application/PDF 149KB. ] [ Unable to print this part. ] [ Part 7: "Attached Text" ]