DRAGON Meeting Minutes - 17 October 2006 2pm, board room Present: CV, MT, JP, PM, CR, JDA, LB, GR (rec.), DH Agenda: 1. Minutes of previous meeting MT: The GSC19 postdoc meeting will be next Wednesday, 10:30. No other comments/corrections. 2. Hardware/software/accelerators VF48 status (CR): Jean-Pierre Martin returns to TRIUMF next week. The firmware should be fixed then. Will be tested at TIGRESS first. ED2 (PM): SF6 not yet refilled. DH: Re-conditioning now at 145 kV. BCM box (PM): Box completed, but no DSSSD cooling provided yet. 22Na(p,g) (DH): Handed in request for design assistance. Nobody available immediately but should expect design done before end of this year. Doug Preddy will help in the LN2 cooling design. We still need the target measures! RFQ: Conditioning started. They found 10 major leaks. 17O will be available late in November, produced from 17O enriched CO. 3. Posters JDA/CR/CV/GR For the GSC19 (next Tuesday): 2 DRAGON posters. A group photo will be taken after this meeting. The committee will spend 15 minutes for DRAGON. For UBC (last Friday): Many technical TRIUMF posters. About 5 grad students showed some interest in Dragon/Tuda/Tactic. Beer supply was excellent. 4. EEC proposals 11C(p,g) (DH): W.P. Liu may present the proposal remotely. 25Mg(p,g)26Alg (CV): Setup: 2 MCPs, 50 cm distant, for TOF. End detector (DSSSD) surrounded by 2 diametral NaIs or plastic scintillators for 511 couple detection of the the 26Alm decay (t1/2 = 6 sec). See attached sketch from the latest proposal draft. The success depends on the efficiency of the 511 detection. However, main problem is the beam intensity; 100 pnA are needed. 5. Other business 12C(a,g) (LB): - Art Olin new an paper - There will be an extra paper for the R-matrix calculations. - Another paper for the acceptance tests / GEANT simulations. Next meeting will be Tuesday morning, exact time to be announced. Meeting ends 14:53