DRAGON Meeting Minutes for 15 October 2002 Present: D. Hutcheon, A. Olen, J. Rogers, A. Laird, S. Engel, C. Jewett, J. D?Auria and L. Buchmann Business Arising: A decision was made not to submit an 15O proposal to the EEC. Instead, the 15O proposal is going to the division head. There has been success with the TR-13 runs. The beam energy was higher for the TR-13 runs, but the yields were not as exciting. To produce 15O with OLIS, you need an ECR. Kearthi designed the ECR to run at 10 GHz. The OLIS rf speed is 2 GHz. JD is going to ask Kearthi to redesign the ECR so it will run at 6 GHz, so that he can use our amplifier. The tube is the key part, so he bought new tubes. The only ECR that has been built has an efficiency of 10%. They will hopefully use it to produce Ne and N this spring. JD suggested that it would be nice to perform tests with the ECR next summer. The energies listed in last week?s minutes are the calibration energies. Some of the subscripts on the energies in the minutes need to be changed from Ecm to Elab. They are supposed to ship the big power supplies for MD1 and MD2 tomorrow. DH will work out a replacement timetable with Claus. The people in Controls are sort of aware of this. Q9 and Q10 will need to be recalibrated. TUDA?s need to use DRAGON for energy measurements increase the priority of the MD1 and MD2 replacements. We are on the way to being able to see the position and size of the beam with the profile monitor, which gives 1 mm resolution. Dario noticed that the slits widened rather than moving up in position. The behavior is probably due to the collision microswitch. DH wants to put the profile monitor behind MD1. Results from the Oct. 2002 beamtime: DH displayed a graph of ?-TOF vs. Ebeam for the 21Ne(p, ?)22Na data. The plot may reveal a relationship between rf and beam energy scatter. He plans to fit a smooth curve to the data. DH displayed a plot of d?el E2 vs. Ecm for the 21Ne(p, ?)22Na data. The points did not fit the model as well as they should have. There may be a problem with normalization or something may be missing from the analysis. He suggested that the elastic cross section is between 1 and 2 keV/u. JR: There are three peaks in the elastics scattering data. SE displayed a plot of recoil yield vs. Ebeam. She had performed a fit to the data to obtain ??. She said that there is a 5% spread in ?E. There was some dispute over whether we should include energy error bars and a chi-square value in the final publication. JR presented histograms of cH-energy for the 14N(a,g)18F data from Oct. 2002. The leakies peak appeared at a lower energy position than the recoils peak, which is unusual. JR revised the directions for reloading MIDAS, and presented the revisions in the meeting. DH said that we need tape backups of data since ISDAQ will eventually fill up. Papers: The 822 paper can have more additions, but the PRL has higher priority, and we should focus on one paper at a time. JD JD asked if it is necessary to remeasure the 212 keV 21Na+p resonance for the PRL. The N measurement gives another point. DH said we should add more information about ISAC in the PRL. JR said we need to explain why we do not have a point part way down the leading edge of the 212 keV 21Na+p resonance in the paper. We need to deal with the error on ??, which is due to errors in Ebeam as well as statistical error. JR recommended adding an error table, and also asked about DRAGON acceptance error. EEC Proposals: JD said that the 12C + 12C experiment should not require much beam intensity. He asked Bob Laxdal about the status of the gas stripper. JR said that he untangled the 60C cascades, so he thinks it is possible to distinguish gamma cascades resulting from the 12C + 12C reaction. JD said we need to submit a project grant proposal soon, so we need to think about new projects, and perhaps hold a collaboration meeting.