DRAGON Meeting - Oct 12, 2004 Present: JDA, DO, DH, JC, CV, AO, MT, DG, LB, GR, MMP Recorder: MMP 1. Previous Minutes --------------------- * carried as is, with minor remarks from JDA 2. Ion Chamber Controls ------------------------ a) nothing more has been done on hardware side but could be completed in a few days * installed and being leak tested b) Mike Leross working on EPICS software c) Safety Review has been postponed d) need hardware (?) in a few weeks 3. New Si strip detector design by Micron ------------------------------------------- a) CV tells of a NIM paper describing new detector which uses a 2% coverage fine-mesh grid cover rather than Al foil b) energy resolution much better (with tail when particles go through grid) c) AO wonders if it robust, or if it requires special handling d) some discussion about whether we should try one but CV will get more information and prices e) JDA stated that broken Si was sent back for repair by Peter Machule 4. MIDAS issues : AO and Jonty (not present) ----------------- a) MIDAS + FE having problems * bogus trigger sources * now getting run-time errors b) problem has ALWAYS been there, but Jonty kludged a fix before * now want to fix it once and for all c) meeting with Konstantin Wed Oct 13 to try and solve it 5. New electronics request --------------------------- a) ~150K$ NSERC request by JC b) JC outlined new electronics topology * highlight: only use HI trigger (no more gammas) * would __greatly_ simplify things # JC stresses that new design is only a _proposal_ and he requests feedback - AO, JDA, DH requested a diagram to critique c) much deliberation about what the system should/should'nt, can/can't do * highlights: -AO wants a separate stream for uncorrelated monitor data -concern over use of peak-sensing ADCs with long shaping times in lieu of 511 background 6. 40Ca(a,g)44Ti proposal idea : CV ------------------------------------- a) PDF attachment shows Christof's idea for the 40Ca exp't b) Summary: "looks reasonable", but there are issues... * can only accelerate 40Ca2+ --> need 2+ from OLIS ? * some doubts (JDA) on published 44Ti level scheme c) JDA suggested 2-step scheme doing big resonances first d) Should an EEC proposal be submitted ? * JDA suggests that CV report back after more study 7. DRAGON priorities for EEC: science and feasibility ---------------------- a) JDA presented his list (PDF attached) which differs from that favoured by Uwe (not present), DH, and others * wants to include stable and radioactive on same list b) Uwe has a three group list, with stable beam separate c) lots of discussion on philosophy, etc of the lists * JDA not opposed to "Uwe-like" list * JDA stresses that a list MUST be submitted to the EEC, fanciful or otherwise. Meeting adjourned 12:05pm