DRAGON Minutes October 10th 2006 present: DH, CD, LB, JDA, PM, CR, MT, JP, DO, GR, AH, MA, CV (recorder) start of meeting: 14:00 1) minutes of previous meeting - no corrections 2) Hardware: DO presented xy table for mounting the DSSSD at all BCM boxes (excluding before MD1). Connectors are still missing. JP wants to have cooling. LB: solar cell detector array, request is on docushare and has a number (747), but is not through yet. DH started conditioning of ED2, started at around 110 kV after a long time at lower voltages. Reached 150 kV, so we are ready to go. 3) Posters: NSERC Sub Atomic Physics Grant Selection Committee will visit TRIUMF in the week of Oct 23. A tour is planed for Tue Oct 24 with DRAGON scheduled for 15:10 - 15:25. Only 15 min to present what DRAGON is doing. Several posters should be made, one general explaining in simple pictures and less words DRAGON, and more special posters for 12C(a,g), 26Al(p,g) and 40Ca(ag). There should be enough fence space for all these posters. A large picture of the DRAGON layout should be added as well. 4) Update on EEC proposals: CV: 25Mg(p,g)26Al - there is a challenge resolving 26mAl from 26gAl production, since both are populated at DRAGON, but only 26gAl is relevant for astrophysics. Recoil tagging by its decay in the end detector could be a solution, but the efficiencies are probably too low. CR: 18F(p,g)19Ne - Alison is calculating time needed for the experiment from estimated yields. Compared to the original proposal, only the important states will be addressed. We will ask for intensities of 1E8 per second, but could do the experiment also with 1E7. A grad student from York will be involved, that should also be mentioned in the proposal. A supplement to 11C(p,g)12N by W.P. Liu was circulated. The scientific motivation didn't change. Should be presented by Liu and presented more as an update or progress report. 5) AOB: SF6 at ED2 is low, needs refilling. CV looked into a second MCP plus electronics. A 70mm MCP costs around US$8000, electronics around US$4000 CR, GR and CV will present DRAGON and TUDA at UBC open house. New posters will be made. end of meeting 15:00