Minutes of the DRAGON Meeting of Oct. 4, 2005 In attendance: MT, DO, LF, DF, GR, LB, JC, AHuke (visitor), JDA (recorder) Time: 14:00 1. Minutes of Meeting of Sept. 27, 2005 were approved 2. Business arising: a. DSSSD was installed. b. SB0 surface detector has been installed c. BGO lead shield could not be found yet (note added after meeting: parts were found and will be installed) 3. DRAGON report a. IRIS was installed and aligned, however, it was then removed to attach remote handling (x-y) system. Part of support structure was damaged however but upon a repair, it will be installed by the end of the week. A second unit is ordered but will not be received for ~2 weeks. b. ED units seem to be at zero and need to be conditioned. c. All other units need to be checked out. d. The gas target needs to turned on and cooled by thursday. e. It was not clear that the BGO had been calibrated but this will be checked. f. LF is in the process of doing calibration of the NaI and Ge detectors 4. Report from Operations a. Keerthi indicated that OLIS needed to be cleaned but Mg beam should be ready by thursday. b. There is a problem with a P/S on RFQ and parts needs to be obtained from off-site. No report on done time at this point. c. Mat Pearson indicated that lasers are in good shape and should be ready for run. It could only take a few hours to tune them once Al26 is available. There is Al27 in target also. d. Gordon Ball had a meeting of beam scheduling committee and has put together a tentative schedule for next week, (circulated previously). e. Proton cyclotron is ok after short shutdown and beam expected ok. 5. Stable Beam Plan (JC) - 24Mg beam, tuned through DRAGON, at E=214+epsilon keV/u - Checking/debugging/shakedown of ALL detector systems. - Turn focus to timing of MCP relative to BGO - Switch to recoils - Take many runs at a few charge states - Verify that the yield is what we expect. If system down, fix problems - iterate previous two steps as necessary to verify nominal operation of DRAGON People to assist with initial stable beam operation Jac Caggiano, Lisa Fogarity, Chris Ouellet (when he arrives), Dieter Frekers Meeting ended at 14:25 (a record!)