DRAGON meeting minutes ---------------------- Nov. 4, 2008, MOB board room, 14:00 Present: DO, DH, CD, LB, PM, PB, UH, GR (recorder), CR 1. Hardware Ion Chamber: 0.9 um foil mounted but will be replaced by 0.5 um before the run. MCP (CR, UH): Mounting the foils turned out to be extremely difficult, the success rate is only about 30%. Most of the failure comes from the drying, probably when the foil is not homogeneously wet. A rotator might help here. It is also in question if such big apertures are needed. Maybe they are also aging and a better storage helps. For the run, we have - 1 with a small aperture, perfectly made by Ulrike. - 2 with a big aperture with some holes. One more small one will be produced. Ion pump: Pumping speed is comparable to the turbo pump. The ion pump can be used as a "holiday pump", comes up from alone after power outage. ED: Conditioning starts on Thu or Wed, when they finished the EPICS tests and rebooted it. Vacuum and optics will on separate channels, and the Mitutoyo readout + attenuator will be added. Remark by Peter: Be careful when wenting from a bottle, the convectron gauges read only to 1 atm (they actually can higher but EPICS is stupid) DH tested the Germanium + DAQ, 50k/s rate not a problem. Filling the Dewar twice a week should be fine. CR checked the DAQ, Carpere (also used by 8pi now!) works fine 2. Other run preparations (CR): 20 people are taking shifts Colin Mortin wants a meeting before run Everything prepared, only waiting for EPICS. Meeting ends at 14:45