Minutes of DRAGON meeting, November 30th, 2004, 10:45 --------------------------------------------------- Present: DH, DO, AO, JP, JC, DG, LB, JD, WH, MT, CV, PM, CR, GR (recorder) 1. Correction to previous minutes --------------------------------- - Gas target vacuum problem DO: Opened the valves and found "black crap" in the valves. - Q1 DH: Power went off but the green light stays on. Jonty will build in a MIDAS alarm if the current is zero. - Scaling pages Sometimes the scaling pages have a strange user interaction and it would be a helpful to have a spreadsheet to check the values. Also an "OK" button would be helpful to ensure that the new values are actually entered. Christof will make the spreadsheet. 2. Status of the system ----------------------- - XSLITC PM: Slits fixed mechanically DH: Right/left calibrate buttons perhaps swapped, and one should always calibrate both. But at the moment the "left" calibrate button moves the slit out and it stays there. - IC CV: Microphonic noise in IC --> tightened some wires --> fixed. Noise mainly comes from preamps. Put them into the IC? LB: Cooling needed. Due to experience with TUDA if the preamps are mounted in the IC, LB suggests an interlock then when pumping down and preamps are cooled and powered. 3. Status of the run -------------------- - CR: Got only a few hundred pA 28Si(3+) from the source so they switched to 29Si(1+). Monday: Got a pretty intensive beam of Si28(7+) and no Nitrogen in the mass spectra. Current for 7+ was there but no 8+, no 6+ and a tiny bit 9+. Obviously, the ions were CO, accelerated as CO(1+) (mass 28) molecule plus a bit 28Si(1+). All this went through the RFQ with the same m/q, coming out with the same E/u. CO then was broken up by the stripper and the magnets selected 12C(3+), 16O(4+) and 28Si(7+), all with the same m/q. CV: Decided to test the IC with that C(3+) O(4+) Si(7+) mixture. Since they all have the same E/u (rather than the same momentum as for capture reactions) and the same m/q, DRAGON can't separate them and they all reach the ion chamber. This is a good condition to test the resolution power of the IC. Result for the 50 nm SiNi windows: Excellent spectra (see attachment). 4. 12C and 16O charge state distribution ---------------------------------------- Wolf measured CSD for 16O (4+) and 12C (3+) after moving through 4He. Pretty nice CSD curves of charges 4+ to 6+ for 12C and 4+ to 8+ for 16O Equilibrium of 16O at 0.75 MeV/u is in perfect agreement with the Naples measurements 4 years ago. The diagrams are attached, except the 3-dimensional plots. (Remark: We should buy 3D spectacles for future meetings) 5. 13C tests ------------ MT: Filled the test stand ECR with He and then increased the amount of 13CO2, observed the change in the mass spectrum (see attachment). 13C is clearly visible, also CO at m/q=29 (and double charged at 14.5) and 13CO2 double charged at m/q = 22.5. Silicon is there as well from the fact that the plasma can interact with quartz tube, generating Si and SiO 6. AOB ------ - GEANT4 (CR): Some problems with overlapping volumes but not serious - EEC rehearsal talks at DRAGON meeting next Tuesday - Review of the EMMA project by NSERC visiting committee scheduled for Dec. 17 - Oak Ridge NL review presented a detailed plan of their research program They use 7Be, F and Al competing with DRAGON/TUDA - A student of Weiping Liu from China will be coming to work on 11C(p,g) - Small talk about TACTIC and the status of TUDA. For interested people, see http://tactic.triumf.ca Meeting ends at 12:00