Minutes of the DRAGON Meeting of 28 Nov., 2006 Present: DH, CD(recorder), JD'A, MT, DO, CV, LB, GR, JP -Minutes of 21 Nov. PGO should be BGO (bottom of first page) -Search for leaks in the end box system resumed by PM. -Power Outage of 26/27 Nov.; recovery. ED Ion pumps ON, restarted themselves; Target system OK. -Alignment -- nothing yet. -DH signed purchase request for MCP, electronics; approximately 1/2 of the remaining funds in the Upgrade Account. -DSSSD1 is back and fixed (apparently). -20Ne(p,g) ISAC Forum, what is to be said about DRAGON development shifts? (MT): Be concise; we have determined that the floor is sinking. (CV): Assignable meter feature moves FC's. Trying to improve steering into the target. (DH): Concerns about ~+/-0.3% discrepancy in energy. -AOB (CV): Conferences/Workshops that should/maybe be attended: 12C(a,g) at ? -LB Nucl. Phys. & Astrophysics, Dresden, 26-31 March Workshops: Frankfort/Karlsruhe, 21 May Trento MSU Nucl. Phys. & Beyond, First 50 Years, CalTech, July `First Stars', Santa Fe, end of July INPC, June, deadline soon (Jd'A) EEC Practice Session? (Jd'A) Giving presentations: JP, CV, Chris from Edinborough Sometime later this week? Friday p.m.? (DH) (MT): Not much to report about FEBIAD