Minutes of the DRAGON Meeting for Wednesday November 26, 2003 Present: AB(recorder), AL, CJ, CR, DH, DO, JDA, JR, LB, ML, MP, NC, PM Meeting starts: 1330 Currently no 21Na beam. Ops have managed to bring up 27Al to ISAC floor. Two possible plans-of-action now: 1. Stick to present schedule. Might get tuning after midnight tonight. Ops would reduce the spill on S7. We lose the beam at 8pm for yield measurements. Might get beam back tomorrow night. Definitely get beam back Fri night - Sun am. 2. TUDA get the beam on Fri, for 20Ne tune. TUDA then give DRAGON a few days back. i.e. we start Thu 4th Dec instead of Sat 6th Dec. New schedule needed. Wildcard: Pong leaves Tues (for good). Bob only tuner left. Bring back Matayo (or however you spell his name)? Plan is to measure 1.079 and 1.108 MeV E{cm}. Should be broad. Take it in 10 kev/u steps, then come back. LB mutters something about not liking this. JDA says we can go more precise wants we see something. The 21Ne run has shown to much junk in background. Something has happened all of a sudden. DH says it around Q9 region, and the stuff is all on the low strip numbers. JDA suggest, while we're getting no beam, go back to the old old reference tune (of the Don Hunter days). Hardware (DH): No word back from the rebooting of the magnets. The final faraday cup problem is not fixed yet. Problem seem to come back weekly. Maybe a software problem. Today maintenance day, so hopefully it get done. FCM still giving us problems, with timing out. Condition ED's higher. Found from the charge state distribution by CR that 8+ was the best for 21Ne(p,g). Slightly different procedure for the 21Na beam. Lock-out key system. Darryl Bishop found a current integrator on DRAGON was fried. Maybe due to switches between integrators while there's beam on them. Maybe not us, but ops. Need to reduce the count rate of S7 (BGO count rate due to 511's) for the 21Na run. Must be <5000. <1000 is preferable. DH: tune is difficult, and hence jeeping S7 low is diffiult, because of a 20 second beta decay. The hardware prescale has been change somewhen. If changes are made to the schedule, let JDA know about it. There has been noticeable gain changes in the last 4 days. 5-10% lower. Temperature, perhaps. Re-calibrate today? JR says they're fine. After meeting they'll be checked again. DSSSD, still alive? JR looked at alpha source. It's fine. PM reports that DAQ has a bigger hard drive for JR's data computer. 120Gig swap for the current 20Gig hard drive. May take 30 mins to do. Do it now, after meeting? BGO calibration is after meeting? Only half a gig left on computer. When's it gonna get done then? The password for the CCD camera is no longer "dragonTail" but rather "dragon". The website has been updated. Meeting ends: 1410