MINUTES DRAGON Meeting 23rd November 2004 Present: MT, DG, JP, DO, DH, JC, CV, LB, PM, CJ, CR (recorder) 1. BUSINESS ARISING There was some previous uncertainty about the IC electronics, whether the amps were in parallel or not. They ARE in parallel. 2. HARDWARE XSLITC: The worm gear bearings were shot. Hopefully this is a 10 minute job to replace, but could be complicated. XSLITC is the most used slit, so not surprising it went first. We could lubricate the gears further to prevent this occurring again. Realignment may be necessary. Need to be used in Silicon run. GAS TARGET VACUUM: There was a problem recently where we couldn't pump down to 0.11 Torr with IVTR1 and OVTR1 closed as usual. Dave O's theory is that a pressure burst could cause Zeolite to migrate into the valve. We should change procedure maybe to open other valves before OVTR1 and IVTR1 in order to reduce initial pressure burst. Q1: Shut down for no apparent reason - the green icon will stay on but no current will register on readback. Needs to be investigated. 3. RUN REPORT (12C and 16O CSD measurements) Successful so far: 3 energies of 16O had been measured up to this date, and all the 12C energies. Note: if set wrong scale on FC and it saturates, will read wrong current - is there something we can do to ensure this doesn't happen? The scaling program did not work initially (magnets went to very high values at initial loading), however it is important for everyone to realize that a reference tune MUST be saved and reloaded in order to work correctly. Perhaps we should put the relevant tune current and field ratios on the website so people can make easier manual checks of a tune. Could we have a spreadsheet as a backup to the scaling routine? 4. IC REPORT (CV) 12C at 2.4 MeV was attenuated into the IC with: German window -> resolution 6.2% SiN window -> resolution 3.5% Pulser -> 3.1% Thus a lot of noise is electronic. We could tie some of the anodes together inside the chamber to reduce this contribution. Can test with alphas. A lot of the rest of the noise is microphonic. We should mechanically isolate the IC. The minimum flow rate value of the IC MFC is a problem since when you try to reduce the IC pressure, the flow rate drops below this value and trips of the ICRun status, closing valves such as IV61. -> Going to increase the valve size to compensate. 5. Si RUN UPCOMING Keerthi is starting as of today. Will run at equivalent recoil velocity for the resonances at 188 keV, 287 keV (maybe), 363 keV A beam request will be filled out by CR. A run plan will follow when it is known exactly when we are running. Keerthi will be using Quartz in the ion source. 6. AOB GEANT modifications basically finished. A few things need to be checked before committing to CVS. WH could run simulations with a little coaching.