DRAGON Meeting Minutes 19th Nov 2007 Present: CR, DH, PM, PB, CV, UH, CD, LB 0. Minutes accepted without comment 1. Quad alignment. Progress slow due to trying to locate DSSD mount. FCCH needs to be dismounted to mount DSSD. Update: new DSSD mount made and installed (26.11.07). DH and CR to do Total Station measurements. Require three gauges to measure distance between quad mounting plates and frame at the three suspension points. Possible magnetic mounts (PM)? Next couple of weeks dedicated to these tasks. 2. 22Na. Progress slowed a little due to accelerator maintenance problems. 1st radioactive run delayed until January probably. Minor scare with targets not being same dimensions as given to designers and UWash. Targets were as originally specified by Jac Caggiano. We do not know where the other numbers came from. LB commented that half the targets are now 22Ne. Interfering 22Ne resonances? CR to possibly go down in Dec to assist with stable run? 3. A.O.B TUDA had borrowed 4 Ortec preamps - need to get them back. Konstantin Olchanski to be asked about isdaq04 status. Update: disk quota was exceeded - problem now fixed. CV has done Simion calcs for MCP. Focus not at optimum position on MCP. Solution to move mirror or MCP. Also want to move foil closer to mirror.