From Wed Nov 20 08:52:32 2002 Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 21:06:41 -0800 From: John D'Auria To: Internal: ; Subject: draft minutes of Nov. 19 meeting [ Part 1.1, Text/PLAIN 75 lines. ] [ Unable to print this part. ] Below or attached are draft minutes of the meeting of Nov. 19. Also attached are some visual presentations. Minutes of DRAGON meeting Nov. 19th, 2002. Present: SB, DO, DH, SE, AO, JR, DG, CW(scribe), LB, JDA Minutes of Nov 12th, 2002 accepted without correction. Facility status: DH:  DRAGON optics pages have new controls for setting NMR for MD1 and MD2; DRAGON operators must learn to use them. This will avoid going downstairs to set manually but rather EPICS will set the probe automatically.   DH:  ISAC operators can now see a beam spot from the CCD camera for tuning; they must learn how to use it.  A picture of 20Ne beam on hydrogen was shown as an example; there was some question as to how the spot can be larger than the upstream aperture.  DH will write a beam-centering procedure incorporating the camera. DO:  The ED cryopumps are roughed out and will be turned on soon.  The gas target is ok, but JDA wants 2 elastic monitors in place before running 12C. Note added after the meeting: Will not put in the second monitor at 55 degrees as it may not be useful. DH:  ED1 is conditioned to ~130kV, ED2 only to ~85kV: needs work for 12C runs. CW:  DSSSD in place; should be fine. DG, JR:  Gamma array is fine but it needs calibration. DRAGON front end used to calibrate beam energy for TUDA runs. Status of data analysis of Na21 runs: SB: Tables of all data used for beam normalization were presented and distributed  (they have been revised and are attached).  It was emphasized that FC4 presents a large error.  All DRAGON operators must remember to record FC4 carefully at the beginning of each run, and ensure that the elastic rate is ~constant at the beginning of each run. New simulated gamma array efficiencies are forthcoming from DG; they have changed significantly and will be presented next week. Discussion of plans for E824 next week: The idea of taking another point on the 212keV/u 21Na resonance was debated, and if so then at which energy.  Two options were proposed:  1) a point to determine the energy of the resonance, 2) another yield point in the center of the target. This will be addressed again next week. Other resonances: Ecm ~461 keV, ~545keV, ~747keV.  LB wants to see if the resonances around 545 keV is actually 0+.  There is no interest in repeating runs at 336 keV resonance. Discussion of plans for 12C beam tests: Bob Laxdal will start tuning 12C on Thursday; we will be lucky to get beam by Friday since running without strippers at charge state 2+ is novel.  We will take 2 or 3 points.  We will take the first point on the 1.08 MeV/u resonance, so ask for 1.09 MeV/u beam to center the resonance in the target.  This should give gammas of energy (3 or 4) MeV and 7MeV.  We will take the second point at higher energy in between the 4+ and 2+ states.  LB will check on the energies.  Note added after meeting: Energies to be tuned are 1.08, 1.11, and 1.14 keV/u of C12. [ Part 2, Application/MSWORD 14KB. ] [ Unable to print this part. ] [ Part 3, Application/POSTSCRIPT 913KB. ] [ Unable to print this part. ] [ Part 4, Application/POSTSCRIPT 796KB. ] [ Unable to print this part. ] [ Part 5: "Attached Text" ]