Minutes of Meeting hold on 09/11/04, Begin 11:00 present: JDA, DH, JC, CR, LB, GR, MT, JP, WRH (recorder) Next DRAGON meeting on Nov. 16 will be held at 10:30 again! 0) last week minutes: approved with commendation 1) run planning for next week: JDA: general overview plan discussed last week, but detailed plan needed LB: we will start with 12C and 16O measurement, energy values: 0.2 MeV/u and 0.8 - 1.6 MeV/u in steps of 0.2 ; all charge states; need charge state distribution run will start thursday morning (18/11/04); maybe start tuning wednesday night; people are needed for shifts. DH: first run will be study of thin SiN window on IC as proposed by CV last week. 2) report on various DRAGON systems and operations DH: stoppage of DAQ during recent run with IC was not due to IC which is functioning properly; CV did tests DH: all DRAGON system set to go with the two ED units being slowly conditioned. LB states the ED are not needed at too high a voltage and may not be used given the small difference between FCCH and FCM2 DH: a special library has been found so that NOVA runs well now. 3) NSERC and EEC: JC: NSERC grant and EEC proposal submitted, JP: did not submit the F18 EEC proposal for December but may for June 2005, CV: EEC proposal submitted, CR submitted report on 26Al(pg)27Si to EEC; LB has finished his reports and JDA submitted report on E995. 4) JDA talks about two other experiments submitted: a) group in England want to do 12C+16O fusion/capture as a follow up to their C12 +C12 study b) 11Li on Zn70 to measure fusion cross section values, beam up to 1.8 MeV/u; a radiochemistry experiment and detect the gamma rays of the decay of As products; you can predict expected excitation function from known code, compare with measurements; then compare also to 8Li and 9Li induced reactions, which have a shape; straight forward experiment. 5) JDA: current experiments E995, now have window of access to off line ECR ; study dilution of 13C, get yield curves simulating 11C in the gas target on the low energy proton; if success with 13C then 11C real run on the offline ECR and then maybe on-line ECR. 6) LB asks if any work on GEANT simulations is done: CR will assist with DG and MT to combine the two versions; MT will continue on GEANT simulations of C12 experiment following this action. 7) DH shows E_T_T-plots of 23Na(p,g)24Mg strong resonance and then the weak low energy resonance; (see attached 1). nice narrow peak for the stronger higher energy resonance and there is a hint of a real peak at about the right time in the weak resonance spectrum. 8) CV has ordered 5 thin SiN windows; have to check on the DSSSD detector sent for repair. meeting closed at 11:30