DRAGON MEETING : Nov. 8, 2006 Present: PM, CR, GR JP, MT, CV, DFO, DAH (Chair), JDA (Rec), LB 1. Minutes of Meeting of Oct. 31 approved. 2. Business arising a. JC has offered to supply the required alpha source needed for DRAGON acceptance tests (for a price) from PNL. Discussion ensued on required specifications. JDA will send these to Jac. 3. Hardware: a. PM has quote of $300 for NaI tube mounts from ??. These do not have preamps built in. CV gave a quote of $1500 for complete units including preamp from ORTEC. No decision taken. b. Micron gave a quote of 300 pounds to fix broken wire on DSSSD detector. Unit will be sent to them. c. DFOT gave a description of tests of the alignment of the DRAGON target box and inlet and outlet ports. Upstream is high by 1.7 mm. Target box moves down ~ 0.25 mm under vacuum. Further checks are needed of the pumping tubes, but it seems that some form of more permanent connection needed for target box. (DFOT busy with TITAN also) d. CV did tests of mcp and some of the signals, e.g. timing, are very suspect. Could be a vacuum problem as the pressure is 10e-6 and these detectors like ~10e-7. PM will do leak test of the detector box 4. Ne20(p,gamma) Run - MT gave a report on successful run and showed some preliminary data. Further analysis needed to properly account for charge state distribution information. Energy measurement seems to low by ~0.3%. Not clear why and needs further checking. - During the run JP ran a test of deliberately mistuning DRAGON to check for misalignments as mentioned above. Data shows asymmetric distribution indicating such a misalignment. Further studies needed. - CV asked about using the t-o-f method being set up for ISAC-2 to measure beam energy on ISAC-1 as a check of our numbers. CV will explore further. 5. LRP DRAGON group discussed suggestions for the LRPC meeting in December.Items mentioned are given below. Items mentioned included 1. Second target production/target testing system for ISAC using BL4A. 2. 2nd accelerator to allow for separate accelerated beam to ISAC 2. 3. Upgrade TRIUMF cyclotron to go to > 450 microamps. 4. Alternate method of production system to produce beams difficult to produce on-line with ISAC 6. AOB A. Na22 study 1. The required vacuum chamber needed at Seattle, to be supplied by TRIUMF group, is now 2nd on the list at the Design office. 2. TIGRESS has offered a digital electronics system for use in Seattle for the Na22 experiment. LB will accept from TIGRESS and have delivered to TRIUMF for testing. 3. Jac C has offered a large Ge detector for use with the Na22 experiment. B. Tour Andrei Andreyev is showing some SFU nuclear students around TRIUMF on Nov. 18.CR volunteered to say some words about DRAGON to the group. Meeting ended 11:40