Tuesday Nov. 8, 2005 DRAGON meeting 14:00 Attendance: LB, PM, GR, CV, MT, JDA, DH, CD, LF, CR, JP, AH, DF, DO, AP (recorder) Previous meeting's minutes: no changes DH: ISAC EPICS1 will be rebooted tomorrow (Wed.). Acceptance tests: JP: -using the strong (10^5 Bq) Gd source pointing out the exit window of the gas target, centred to about 0.5 mm or so in the target -separator is set to 3.182 MeV 2+ alphas - rate at DSSSD observed is much lower (3x) than expected from calcs., shape of the hit pattern is 'grotty' -took source out to do an absolute flux calibration, ie placed source (pointing at DSSSD) in final slits box, fully opened slits...saw 1/3 of expected activity at DSSSD -looks like about 17 mrad acceptance - changed strengths of DRAGON fields to simulate different energies...seems that alpha energies are few % low JP will go to Safety to examine the source....will put source back into gas target to repeat tests in more detail. DH: we could also look at the quality of the focus at the mass slits... LB: would be nice to have the DSSSD at the mass slits... DH: Perhaps after CV's run? ED1 had been conditioned to 171 kV before these transmission exercises...CV wants 173 or so. E989: CR: no real comments. Mini-meeting after this meeting. CR corrects his ~20% error mentioned in his ACOT talk...it should be less... LF is working on beam normalization, the most "laboroius" part. JDA: We should make sure to write all collaborators in future talks. MT: should talks go on the website? The peanut gallery says yes. E1027: JC has disappeared. DO says there are dewers, tools in the mass-separator room...PM will go look at this with DO. MT: 2 targets were made (300 uCi, and ~200uCi), after tweaking the alignment we had good transmission onto the foil, then we just ran... LF: targets are in the collection station (which is isolated)...plan is eventually to move them into the target chamber to be used in Seattle... JDA: Don't do anything until JC arrives! MT will give a summary at the ISAC forum tomorrow. E1024: CV presents more details on the resonances seen in previous DRAGON studies, compares these with resonances as reported in the literature...shows target z-position for several runs...CSB seems to affect position of resonance in the target (by 6 cm)??? CV shows a plot of expected beam energy resolution...using SRIM to model the gas target (4 torr He) and the 100 nm SiN CSB, we should be seeing resolution ~2-3x better than the 6.8 keV/u we had been seeing. JDA: Is there a better way of going about this expt? DH: Are we seeing some resonances twice (ie due to overlapping energies) in the previous DRAGON studies? LB: excitation functions are difficult with DRAGON... DH: other than the strong resonance, it will be difficult to see if our energy bites agree/disagree with the literature, as the literature has problems. CV: The plan: we'll work our way down in energy to see the resonances, trying for <25% overlap of the beam energy error bars. E1024 starts Nov. 17 for beam development, tuning begins on Nov. 21. JDA:alternatives? Ca target? DH: better to deliberately oxidize a Ca target so we know its stopping power? Ca target talk ensues. JDA: well, let's do CV's expt as it stands....look at the data...maybe a new, big resonance will appear. CV will handle protocol for changing beam energy, training session for replacing CSB - maybe have next DRAGON meeting in ISAC hall as CSB needs replacing anyway? AOB: JDA: Need to finalize what we want with respect to electronics...discuss with JC