Minutes of the DRAGON group meeting November 6, 2007 Present: CD, LB, PM, PB, UH, CV, GR, MA, AO, DH (recorder) 1. Minutes of previous meeting: business arising - Yale source: no one at this meeting had authoritative update from last week. 2. Hardware - Turbo TP32 kept tripping off. At first it was believed to be related to the EPICS Auto-backing feature, but problem turned out to be failure of a fan on the turbo controller box. The fan has been replaced. PM/UH asked about the "BP off for 15 minutes" feature in Auto mode. DH did not recollect why/how this feature was introduced. - End station upgrade (CV): there have been more discussions and measurements involving Dan R. of the Design Office. He has produced a concept drawing of the Final slit box, showing relocated slits, MCP, a second MCP and the Faraday cup ("no collision with MCP will be possible"). The MCP foil holder will be mounted on the mirror frame. Existing drawings were incorrect in many instances. It is expected that the detailed drawings can be done by the end of 2007 and that the new top plate and side plate will take ~1 week in the Machine Shop. (Moving the Box downstream will be a bigger deal--conduit, grout,...) 3. Solar cells (UH) - A pulser signal was sent in the absence of alphas: not all channels responded equally. The alpha rate was a few per minute, rather than the expected 15-20 per second. One issue may be the bias resistor which is putting a high offset (in some cases close to the max. of 1024 counts) on the waveform digitizers. (They are optimized for TACTIC.) GR will see about getting resistors changed. There are 3 cell which are excessively noisy or have no signal. 4. EEC proposals and priorities - there was no disagreement with the CR's list of beams ordered by feasibility: Na-22, S-33, Mg-23, Ne-19, F-18, F-17, Al-25, C-11, Al-26m, N-13, P-30, O-15. To be inserted yet: Mg-25, C-14. The DRAGON presentation should present the physics priorities disregarding availability, then the feasibility- ordered lists for radioactive beams and stable beams. - except for N-13, the one-page updates or the new proposals have been circulated; CR is working on N-13. Meaning of "percent of research time devoted to experiment" is unclear. Spokespersons will have to sort this out with collaborators before submission deadline on Friday.