5 Nov 02 Dragon Meeting Minutes: Present: DH, AL. JR, LB, CJ, JD'A, DO, AO (recorder) + 2 TUDA people. Business Arising from minutes: How many DSSD's do we have? There is some confusion about whether one was received. Facility Status: A connection that will allow resetting the NMR magnetometers from the counting room is being implemented. A digital camera will be mounted on the DRAGON beamline to facilitate tuning. A 1.25 MeV/u Ne20 beam will be run into DRAGON on Nov 7th to do a beam energy calibration for the upcoming TUDA run. A similar 20Na run is expected a week later. John D'Auria raised the possibility of a 20Na Dragon run if extra time came our way. Joel has tracked down the source of the intermittent noise problem in the elastic monitors. The design of the insulator through which the microdot is connected is marginal, leading to an insecure and microphonics-sensitive ground. The attached figure shows the effect of removing this insulator. The width of the pulser peak is a sensitive indicator of this problem. The mounting will be improved ASAP! Dragon Analysis: A figure of our results for the 24Mg(p,gamma) reaction was circulated. It is to be included in the 21Na letter in support of our resonance energy value. Joel has estimated suppression factors for (alpha, gamma) reactions from our 14N(alpha, gamma) data. A suppression of 10-14 is found for a 4.6T target, and it is reduced to 10-16 in the 2.2T target run. Imporvement of the suppression by tighter cuts is possible. A note describing the methodology is attached. A full discussion of the 21Na analysis from Shawn is expected at our next meeting. Alternatives proposed for the publication of the 822 keV/u resonance were a) inclusion with the other higher 21Na resonances in a full paper. b) A separate Rapid communication. No conclusion was reached.