MINUTES OF DRAGON MEETING : NOVEMBER 04, 2003 Present: MMP (recorder),JDA,DH,AO,LB,NC,MT,DFOT,CJ,DG,PM,Zl,JR(at 11:20) Agenda includes: 1. Minutes of Meeting of Oct. 29, 2003 ( circulated previously) 2. Business arising 3. Facility notes: -report from solid target run 3. Status of the Run in progress C12(alpha,gamma) LB 4. GEANT simulations MT 5. AOB MEETING STARTS 10:40 1. Some minor corrections to Minutes of Oct 29 noted by LDA. Corrected version approved. 2. Next week meeting WED NOV 12 in the afternoon (time/place TBA). Nov 11 is a stat holiday. 3. 12C+12C solid target run : DH (figures attached) o generally successful run - target lived - runs 10097-10100 showed indications of 24Mg peak in DSSSD with 10100 (std tune -4%) showing clearest indication o acceptance issues discussed * needs to be studied in more detail o glass is a good scintillating material to view beam spot - no ill effects. beam stops in glass - Kapton blackens over time so not as good o not sure of 12C target thickness, hence energy loss - can't bend 1.46 MeV/u 12C+++ beams - some speculation that residual gas in system might be used to strip beam to 6+ charge state, and then we can bend that. * need to sort out energy loss/thickness issue o Elastic monitor responsible for ~99% of all events. - DH speculates that 12C+12C--> a+X AND p+Y could explain it ** ACTION ITEM - some question as to BGO voltage settings. Spectra puzzling => PUT BGO VOLTAGES ON PRE-RUN CHECKLIST - CHECK FOR MESSAGE ON ODB INDICATING MISMATCH BETWEEN ACTUAL VS. ODB VOLTAGE SETTINGS 4. "Real" 12C+12C run starts Mon. Nov. 10 --> Nov 16 (?) - group from York arriving this weekend - bodies will be needed to supplement York crew 5. 12C(alpha, gamma)16O report from LB o in principle, weekend scan of quads done to check acceptance * however, LB notes _huge_ fluctuations in nrmlzd yields (x2,x3) - tune dependent, doesn't appear reproducible o (near endless) discussion ensued of what could be causing this a) beam mistuning ? > doesn't explain why _normalized_ yields change b) charge state fractions of recoil changing ? > no convincing mechanism c) data acquisition ? > dead times don't appear that large though > however, dacq could be stopping for periods of time though this also seems unlikely *d) near end of meeting, LB suggests that a small energy shift in beam, say 30 keV (?) might explain it > idea considered plausible, not totally crazy o LB "flabbergasted" by the problem - frustration that ops can't simply "dial-up" a good tune o ML suggests that integration time on CCD be adjusted to see if beam spot image changes. - perhaps usual 10s is too long ** ACTION ITEMS - put together a plan to SYSTEMATICALLY INVESTIGATE problem - talk to B. Laxdal about the tunes - JR will look into elastic monitor to quantify problem 6. LB would like a Ge detector tested with DRAGON o Idea to get better energy resolution --> resolve cascades o NONTRIVIAL hardware change required to put it into system - needs peak-sensing ADCS (Selena?) for best resolution o _much_ discussion about hwo to set this up, how long it will take - talk of ~week (or more) to put it in and take it out o suggestion that putting signal in a FERA (?) ADC would be easier to set up. - however, less resolution on this ADC o JR suggests testing it out with source and PC-based analyzer first * ACTION ITEM - go over after meeting (lunch) and look at setup, see what can be done 7. Safety meeting Wed Nov 5 morning to discuss DH report on 1.8 MeV/u max energy upgrade 8. TUDA requests gas handling stuff from ion chamber o some bits actually owned by Oppenshaw - should just buy one for DRAGON o OK, as long as care taken (no "holes",leaks (DH)) * ACTION ITEM - ML will take lead on this 9. MT reports on Geant3 separator simulation o varied Q1,Q2 in "standard" and JR "broad" tunes (see attached) o old target geometry o acceptance plateaus _not_ centred at 0% (see figures) o working hard to get new geometry implemented in G3 - confusing and contradictory accounts of said geometry 10. JDA presents idea to bring small Long Island cyclotron to TRIUMF o 17 MeV proton, 8 MeV deuteron machine. two beam lines. o idea is to have an alternate source for e.g. 15O and other volatile isotopes production o LI will "give" TRIUMF the cyclotron (apart from packing and shipping costs 200k$ ??!) if TRIUMF asks for it _very soon_ - comes with targets, power supplies, pumps, beam lines, magnets, etc..... o JDA intends to submit an EEC proposal on "alternate source" idea - use TR13 for proof-of-principle - will approach Div. Heads with idea o long discussion ensured on infrastructure, $$$ needed - acknowledged that an operator type person will be required - infrastructure support 'significant' - likely >1year after delivery before operation (at least: DH) - a room near hot cells might be proposed to be used. Big, close enough o perhaps bring it here and store it for a while ?? MEETING ADJOURNED 12:20 MMP head stops spinning 12:25