>Minutes 02/11/04 >begin 11:00 >present JDA, DH, CR, GR, DG, JP, AO, LB, JC, WRH, PM, CV (recorder) > >1) DH reports about last run 23Na(pg)24Mg, energy of Ep = 512.1 keV >resonance very well reproduced (attachment 1), c-factor for E >calibration in line with previous measurements and optics design. >conclusion - our measurement of beam energies using MD1 seems quite >accurate reinforcing our measurements of the resonance of Mg22 level energies > >2) DH: new IC gas-handling works well, some minor interlock problems in >DSSSD vacuum mode > DH: some IC problems, suddenly now true signals from IC after a slight > E-change of beam (should be not correlated). > CV: switching from IC to DSSSD now fast and easy (about 1 h for > switching and 1 h for pumping) > new DAQ works well, except for projection where every time typing "d" > is necessary - JP that's the default setting. > DH: thin window tests for IC not done, should be done next beam time. > >3) JC: run on 150 keV/u, achieved 30 pnA 23Na over ~12 h. Theoretical >limit of ~ 1 mueV expected (gamma braching not known, assume 10% efficiency). > DH: ~ 5 x 10**15 ions on target > BGO background ~10 cts/100ns > stripper foil livetime: 200 pnA h > CV: expected separation in local TOF ~4ns, should be resolveable, but > time resolution not measured. E-loss of low energy ions in DSSSD dead > layer ~ 50%, so time resoultion could be worse. > > DH will give an technical report on DRAGON at EEC. > >4) WRH reports on 12(ag)16O analysis (attachment 2) > analysis of EM at 30deg, pressure and currents > >5) Suggestions for next run (in 2 weeks): > 1) Testing of thin windows for IC (SiN) at low beam energies > 2) Measurement of charge state fractions of 12C and 16O from 0.8 MeV/u > to 1.7 MeV/u depending on pressure (should be short measurements since > only currents will be measured). > 3) Background studies of solid targets (thin SiN for target windows, > CV should order new SiN membranes) > 4) Wobbler studies > detailed run plan should be presented next week > >6) JC: NSERC proposals are submitted > >7) EEC: > JC: 22Na(pg)23Mg proposals for NSERC minus money plus some details > CV: 40Ca(ag)44Ti: previous measurments and detailed list of levels > (attachement 3) > start with strong resonance around Ex=9.22 MeV > at lower energies, LB suggest measurement of excitation functions > (doing it stepwise), E-loss about 100 keV/Torr. > JP: will work on 18F(pg)19Ne, but not sure if he can finish it till > next week. JDA indicated that there is no hope to see 18F beam before > June, probaly end of next year. However, proposal should be submitted > anyway either in Dec or June. > CR: will report on 26Al(pg)27Si to EEC > JDA: will report on E995 (alternative production of RB) > >end of meeting 11:59 >