DRAGON Meeting May 30th, 2006 In attendence: DH, JP, CR, JZ, CV, MT, DO, CD, JC, LB, PM, AH, and EOC (recorder) 1. Minutes: Corrections: (CR - ?) = CR Business arising from minutes: The CSB has been taken out of the target, its still intact. It is being stored at CV's desk. 2. Hardware/Software/DAQ PM - Thermocouples are closer to getting done and connection on buffer tank is fixed. JP - DAQ is still in limbo after upgrade DH will look into NOVA status 3. GEANT Simulations 12C(a,g) (EOC) From GEANT: gamma loss and recoil loss may be correlated to an extent, more simulations with better stats to confirm. See first part of the attached .ppt file for details. There are still worries regarding the actual acceptence (GEANT says (95%)). The inclusion of more elements may help reduce acceptence to experimental values. Soon will move on to alpha studies 4. CSD Simulations 12C(a,g) (JZ) The current model is having trouble matching up with DRAGON data on recoil distributions (ratio of 6+ to 5+ fractions) at low pressures. Models that fall between the two main assumptions (alpha particle keeps electrons / alpha particle loses electrons) are being tried to fit DRAGON and ERNA data. DH notes that at 4 Torr (and 8 Torr), where the majority of experiments took place, data agrees nicely. 5. Other Business i) LB has draft of 12C(a,g) paper, DH to read and discuss next meeting. ii) Alpha source has arrived from Yale, JC to pick up/deal with.