Minutes of the DRAGON meeting, May 28, 2002. Those present: Sabine E., Joel R., Lothar B., Don H. Alison L., Chris W., Mike L., Mohan C., Alan C. Notes taken by L.B. Minutes: Approved with one change regarding the branching ratio of a possible 360 keV/u state. Business arising: A radioactive beam run took place May 21/22 at 355 keV/u. The gamma-detection threshold was lowered to 1 MeV. However, 21Na currents were low. No valid coincidence events were observed. Proton recoil/time of flight: a test was made to detect zero degree protons through the separator to measure their time of flight, i.e., the energy of the beam. No protons were detected. Stable beam runs: Due to the ISAC target situation, there will be definitely no radioactive beam runs on the accelerator till at least September. Tuda already has scheduled stable time, which leaves middle of June to middle of July and begin of August for stable beam runs at DRAGON. Possible experiments: (i) measure leaky beam at at least 360 and 490 keV/u to decide validity of these runs due to Q10 settings, (ii) repeat proton t-o-f, (iii) run low energy 24Mg(p,g) resonance, and (iv) test microchannel plate. Radioactive beam runs: There is a chance that in fall two SiC targets will be employed at ISAC: one with a surface, the other with an ECR source. We have to decide, if the 21Na(p,g) measurement is complete by now: (i) we may want to remeasure the 360 and 490 keV/u regions; (ii) estimates of the stellar reaction rates ought to be made to see what uncertainties arise from our upper limits, DC, tail of big resonances etc. and if more measurements are thus desirable. Papers and forthcoming publications were then discussed. The meeting was adjourned after the record breaking time of 45 minutes.