Dragon Meeting Minutes, 27th May, 2008 2 pm M.O.B. In attendance: CR, CV, DH, PM, DO, UG, GR, LM, PB , ... 1. BGO Efficiency Problems with BGO efficiency for gamma coincidences. Past runs show a better than 50% efficiency. Are there issues with the DAQ? Or a temperature problem? Or related to thresholds? Would be nice to test BGO efficiency before next run.Maybe should run Mg again and check different types of resonances and different energies. If coincidences still remain a problem then it will be necessary to check gamma singles. Has there been changes to DAQ recently? Tested with pulser and collected data well correlated. Are we getting data from all BGO's - need to check if any of the BGO's are dropping out, perhaps pulser runs on each BGO. 2. Other hardware issue with elastic surface barrier during run. Is this a discharge issue? Was the gain changed? Perhaps doubled.. Is the detector saturated at higher energies (is the amplifier being saturated?) During Mg run the beam shape changed after an upstream (HEBT) quad failed and beam retuning undertaken. Check which alpha source is in Dragon. A new pressure gauge c/w display unit has been installed to assist in venting. The NaI crystals have both been installed and secured. Electronics partly installed. Discussion about Ge detectors. TUDA members from Edinburgh had problems with one of the Ge detectors. Check shows that both Ge detectors work fine. There was a turbopump failure on ISAC. Target on bench. Dave H asked about alignment. May need to check alignment of Q2 and look into steering effects. 3. Cyclotron Schedule Cyclotron schedule revised to accommodate unexpected repair work to beam extractor. 4. A.O.B. Na22 - Chris to arrange safety meeting regarding Na22. Need to move items to fume hood ... safety gear required. Al26 - Anuj has submitted Al26 proposal Elogs ?subscribe at elog.triumf.ca