Minutes from DRAGON meeting of May 23, 2006 Present: EO'c, MT, JZ(recorder), LB, CR, JP, CD, cV, PM Meeting called to order by LB 14:05 1. Minutes of previous meetingi -accepted with no comments 2. Hardware (LB): -everthing was shut down after the calcium run -CSB is still in 3. Alpha tests (JP); -Alpha source still has not arrived (lost in transit?) -Gd source that we already have may be sufficient to start tests -Charge and Mass slit simulations still needed (2 weeks?) -Alpha work will take ~2-3 weeks, to be timed around 20Ne(p,g) work -MT to talk to D. Ottowell about getting parts machinedk. 4. Software: -Scientific Linux installed (to match others on-site) -No DAQ (yet) 5. CSD simulation update (JZ): -simulation working -simulation output matching well with data -still need to find/determine complete lists of charge-change cross-sections -simulation output to be used to predict CSF for data analysis in 12C(a,g) experiment (?) 6. 12C Paper (LB): -Is it still on hold pending successful GEANT simulation of DRAGON transmission? -Maybe wait for Alpha tests (to ensure transmission is well understood) before submitting -(CR -?) Alpha tests unlikely to show large enough disagreement with GEANT simulation to explain discrepancies in 12C data: we will likely need to believe our data (unless there are surprises from the Alpha tests - unlikely). 7. Hardware (PM); -thermocouples not on pumps yet (to take ~10mins per pump) and to be done soon -thermocouples already in EPICS -some software glitches to be worked out on data acquisition computers: JP to email Jane. -connection on inlet buffer tank still broken: PM to investigate. Meeting adjourned 14:38