Minutes of DRAGON meeting of May 22, 2007 Present: CD, DH (chair,recorder), GR, MT, AG, MJ, LB, PM, DO 0. Minutes of previous meeting - no corrections - business arising o correction of logic error (CMGC for CMTRIN) not yet checked o there will be a meeting tomorrow to fast-track the proposal to put a stripper foil in HEBT for the TUDA run in June 1. Hardware - MJ: TOTAL station measurements completed at 2 locations of the instrument, only a 3rd (quick) location to be done. A first look at the data found a 0.5m discrepancy in documentation and a need to adjust angles in order to get the quads "lined up". DH: A final check would be to relate 'TOTAL' MD heights to reference mark scribed on the south pillar. - PM: IG52 has been replaced by a (2nd generation filament) ion gauge that was on the gas target but not in use. Vacuum looks good after a day. Varian haven't responded to a request for a quote on price/delivery of spare ion gauge heads. - Mitutoyo scale DO o there is a problem with the (non)rigidity of the attachment head. Initially work was done with a piece of shipping plastic in place, but with the plastic removed the head rocks. The planned method of connection to the slit mechanism won't work. o a solution is in hand and should be implemented "tomorrow" or a day or so later. It involves shimming to get parallel motion of scale head and the slit actuator. o the EPICS side is stalled. Controls group need to be persuaded that job is important 2. Alpha tests Chris R will start AG, MJ on detector checkout and then get alpha tests going, starting either later today or tomorrow. 3. 40Ca(a,g)44Ti draft Deferred until next week, when CV will be back from vacation. Initial comments on author listings (LB) and BGO section (DH) 4. Simion/Raytrace AG Magnet dipoles (MDs) are under construction in Simion, which calculates fields from a scalar potential. The simulation has the poles (but no coils) and fictitious field clamps that have been adjusted to give pretty close agreement with the field profile measured for MD1 along the x=y=0 traverse. Questions at the moment are whether the level of agreement achieved so far is good enough, and how to include the data from other traverses. CR is within a day of being able to get B(x,y,z) calculations a la RAYTRACE. 5. AOB - Solar cells: Electronics shop has asked how long to make the cables for the solar cell system. CR will specify. - LB is preparing an INP talk and asked if there were items from the past 3 years in addition to 12C(a,g), 26Al(p,g), 40Ca(a,g) and charge-state dist'n work. - For next week's agenda: discussion of 40Ca(a,g) draft Meeting ended at 14:32