Minutes of the Dragon meeting of 14 May 2002 submitted by Don Hunter Present:C.Wrede,S.Engel,D.Hutcheon,D.Hunter,M.Lamey,J.D'Auria,A.Laird, M.Chatterjee,D.Ottewell,J.Rogers,L.Buchmann,A.Chen,U.Greife,P.Machule, A.Olin,S.Bishop,D.Gigliotti 1) Recent Beam Delivery DAH is compiling the beam delivery history for the 21Na beam from 9th to the 13th of May 2)Hardware issues - FCF would not come out, no interlocks or timeouts were seen (does it move at all?) - one quadrant(UL?) of BCM2 and some of BCM4 do not respond, PM will check resistance to ground for bad quadrants - after the weekend EPICS meltdown, FC's were out and slits were open and uncalibrated....must be aware of these states the next time this happens! 3) 335 keV 21Na(p,g) resonance results Using logbook FC4 current entries to determine the total number of beam ions in target, Joel estimates that for the combined runs we would have expected 10 events if the resonance were as strong as the 212 keV was. A graphical summary of the runs is included. During Run 6253, begun late sunday evening, something appears to have been blocking recoils from getting to the DSSSD. If the Jpi of this state is 3- we would have expected to see some gamma above our threshold. This would suggest that the coincident events that were seen were randoms, that our threshold was set too high to see the gamma and perhaps that this is not a 3- state. 4) 822 keV 21Na(p,g) resonance results A plot Yield versus energy(based on MD1 fields)of the most recent results is included. Singles data are used and the vertical error bars are mostly statistical from the elastics data. The width of the fit shown is still a couple times greater than the TUDA value. However the result is extremely sensitive to the recent run 6213 result. Sabine will prepare the same plot using coincidence data, which will hopefully reduce any background that may effectively widen the line. 5)What next? It was agreed to focus on 21Na(p,g) resonances for the remainder of the current run. We will start with the 470 keV(Ebeam**) resonance at high pressure this Wed evening or thurs morning. If something is seen we will continue until we have 10 coincident events and then cut the target pressure in half to "scan" the resonance. The same search will be made for the next higher energy resonance at 567 keV. Finally, if time allows we will return to the 335 keV resonance with a lower gamma threshold this time. (**Note that the Prague magnet energy is 5 keV higher than DRAGON so we will ask for 497 from ISAC) 6) 212 keV omega gamma results It was agreed that we will present our 212 keV omega gamma results at NIC