Minutes for DRAGON meeting, May 10th, 2005, 10:45. ====================================================== Present: CR, JDA, MT, TK, GR (recorder), AO, JP, DH, DO, PM, HC (Heather Crawford), (BW) Benji Wales 1. Minutes of meeting of May 3, 2005 (below without attachments) - Minutes accepted as very good but Jac's diagrams are needed! 2. Business arising from the minutes - none 3. DRAGON Hardware: - status of water leak? DO: Water leak fixed on Monday. At least it doesn't leak. - status of IC and alpha calibration CO Just measured BG spectrum with three huge peaks in the 2nd anode. No change when swapping the preamps but w/o source they disappear. JDA: We need to know the pressure dependence. AO: Should look at the preamp signals. - MT: What causes a break in the IC window (SiN), heat? Answer: From the TUDA test it turned out that that it couldn't be destroyed by beam current, so heat is unliekly. Maybe it was mechanical stress. - ED1 (DH): 165 keV, stable overnight. - Gamma Array (JDA): Dario makes wine now, so who is in charge of the BGO? 3. Stable beams - Schedule: 40Ca will be delivered to DRAGON on May 22nd. Then comes E989. 4. RB Runs: - Preparing for Al26 Run CR presented a rough run plan (attached). DH: We must start with new tunes. CR: We need more data in the online spectra like IC ADC vs. TDC, front vs. back plate, DSSSD hit pattern... AO: What about BGO multiplicity? - GEANT calculations (CR): Will do investigations of mistunes, etc. Need to know how much pressure can be hold with the bigger tubes. Will also check some mistunings. . 4. AOB - We need an own projector for the meetings.Perhaps we should change rooms. Thomas Kirchner gives a presentation in the auditorium of his work on the TACTIC project. He calculated the electric field in the drift region using FEMLAB and improved the design of the chamber. Meeting ends at 11:55