Minutes of DRAGON meeting, 8 May 2007. Present: Aaron Gallant (AG), Ahmed Hussein (AH), Chris Ruiz (CR), Christof Vockenhuber (CV), Chuck Davis (CD), Dave Hutcheon (DH), Dave Ottewell (DFOT), Lothar Buchmann (LB), Michael Jansz (MJ), Peter Machule (PM), Rachel Lewis (RL), Mike Trinczek (MT) - recorder. 0. Previous minutes: In the report on the Dresden conference, M. Heil talked about the new Frankfurt (not French) neutron source. 1. Hardware: Total Station - PM and MJ have been installing the reflective mounts onto the various DRAGON elements. Installation on top surfaces is easy; the side mounting is taking some time. The hope is to try to start the Total measurements next week. It was noticed that Q1 (water cooling) is leaking again. Doug Preddy will be contacted to refix the leaks. Mitutoyo Drive - DFOT reports that the assembly is ready to be installed, but he is waiting on Dan Wright. 2. Update on TUDRAGON pumping tests: MJ distributes handout [see attachment] showing the different configurations and results. Within the chamber, 2 detectors, 2 blanks and an annular Al ring were used to simulate the TUDA detectors. No smoking gun has been identified, but case 2 (loose screw) is suggestive. RL reports on Edinburgh-York meeting. Postmortem reveals that S2 was battered, but most likely does not explain the leakage current problem since target gas in/out makes a difference. Tom Davinson suggests that data-stream noise could be reduced by moving the S2 preamps and is prepared to change the hardware in time for early summer testing. DH wonders if 2 lids would be useful: one for tuning, the other for performing the measurement. 3. SIMION plans: AG and CR report that while it is easy to model the electrostatic elements of DRAGON, magnetic elements are much harder and require that the field maps be entered. DH will provide the magnetic field maps made of the different elements as DRAGON was being assembled/commissioned. 4. FEBIAD preparations: CR's greatest concern is how to measure the beam contaminants, the level of which will dictate which experiment will be pursued. Most likely will use the Ion Chamber (IC), but it would probably be also useful to have the two Ge detectors from Gordon Ball (which are currently on loan to the 22Na lifetime experiment...) We should plan to run attenuated beam into the IC. CV has done calculations which demonstrate the separation of 18O, 18F and 18Ne within the chamber. We should endeavour to have the IC ready for June (some electronics, etc. need to be reacquired). CR will coordinate with the (ongoing) alpha tests and will present a plan next week. 5. AOB: CV is putting together a proposal for a proof-of-principal experiment using the TITAN EBIT to fully strip 41Ca and hence separate it from 41K with a Wien filter. If successful, an experiment with 146Sm would be put forth. He would welcome collaborators. PM reports there may be 2 high-voltage dividers for free from the Netherlands; talk to Barry Davids. DH has most of the 22Na drawings ready for approval. The last few are coming out of the Design Office shortly.