Meeting minutes Tuesday May 6th 2003 Present: AB, AH, CJ, CR, CW, DG, DH, DO, JDA, LB, MA, SE, recorder ML (scribe). First we would like to welcome Mr. (Mike) Anderson to our group for the summer. Corrections to last weeks minutes: DH: The first item from the facility hardware is singular and is being machined, it is not finished. June is an ambitious finish time. Thus it should be changed to read: the side plate for the solid target is being machined. DH also noted his explanation for the double humped peak was wrong for a high energy resonance. DH had analyzed a low energy run. LB's explanation of the angular distribution is correct. The second sentence of item 2 should be changed to read: 'The following points were made: -cooling detectors may allow the use of previously damaged ones....' Separator is misspelled in the second last sentence of item 2 in the section 12C Experiment Update. The second point in the second sentence of the third item in the section 12C Experiment Update, should be change to read: phi plot shows a large gap at the position of the pumping tube. Plans for wobbler studies: DH: we wish to explore the energy acceptance of DRAGON, these runs could be done in less than a week. Status of 12C(a,g)16O run: LB: There is a background in the singles spectra, which is always behind the singles peak. DH suggested it might be 16O accelerated at 4/3 the 12C energy. Later on in the meeting DH said if this scenario is correct we could scale the ED's by 4/3 after tuning the beam to look for the 16O. Another suggestion by SE and JDA was to make use of the IC and its mass separation super powers on attenuated beam. LB: We still want to run at 0.81 and 0.75MeV/u, the 0.81MeV/u point should be strong. LB: Flips through several gamma spectra and illustrates the possibility of a 6.0MeV gamma transition present in all the low yield runs. The BGO cannot distinguish between the 6.1 and the 6.0MeV gammas or the 6.9 and 7.1MeV gammas. We may have to bring in some germanium detectors, and do a proper analysis to show that the 6.0MeV gamma exists. This would be a very nice feather in our cap. LB also plotted the FCCH to FC4 readings taken in the logbook. He shows that there is up to 30% scatter in these ratios, and points out that normalization is extremely difficult. Normally one might be able to use the elastics to FCM2 readings but the elastics are poor which complicates matters. LB may give a report to the EEC with among other things, hinting on more beam to resolve the bone thrown our way regarding item 3c. Attached is a plot of the progress so far. The plot shown is counts/FCM2/pressure vs. energy. DG reports on his work: DG has been doing tests with a single NaI crystal and a known Cs source strength, he wishes to show that calculated tables (Marion and Young or GEANT) agree with his results. DG also simulated different Aluminum cover thicknesses, his results are shown in the attachments. He shows that the required Aluminum thickness is too big. DG also presents a list of things to do, see attachments. CR talks about GEANT simulation he will be working on: The DRAGON separator is split into three distinct sections, see attachments. Most of what was done previously is still OK. However there are a few notable changes, namely the gas target, BGO and the end detectors which all need to be updated. SE 21Na 545KeV runs: There is a low yield for these energy runs however they seem to agree statistically. SE obtains an wg of 4.13 ±0.41stat ±0.43sys meV (see attachments).