Minutes of DRAGON meeting, 4 May 2004. Present: Andres Ruberg (AR), Art Olin (AO), Cybele Jewett (CJ), Dario Gigliotti (DG), Dave Hutcheon (DH), Dave Ottewell (DFOT), John D'Auria (JDA), Jonty Pearson (JP), Kathryn Oraas (KO), Mike Anderson (MA) Mike Lamey (ML), Peter Machule (PM), Mike Trinczek (MT) - recorder. 1. New Students: JDA introduces the new students: Andres, Kathryn, and Mike. 2. Corrections to Previous Minutes: None. Many people did not receive the minutes or were unable to read the minutes in MSWord doc format. 3. Facility Status: DFOT - The old pumping tubes are installed. There was a "slight leak", but this has been fixed. We are still awaiting safety approval to run Hydrogen. DH - EDs are conditioning well: ED1/2 now at 202.5/161.77kV 4. Setup for Runs JDA shows CR's run schedule (which will be posted on the web) and run plan for the first block of beam (also to be posted) on behalf of CR, who is unfortunately unavailable due to TUDA run. Opens discussion... DH - We need to recalibrate the BGOs. Probably from 15 to 10keV/channel. DG will do (with JP?). DFOT - Should pump the Ion Chamber (IC) down today to practice proper procedure, hopefully to avoid breaking the windows. ML - Currently, Mylar windows installed. AO - There are improved valves installed now, making it more difficult to break windows. JDA - ML established a procedure for pumpdown. ML - Could someone verify that the instructions are clear? JDA - Will pumpdown Wednesday with CR and MA... DH - Do we have a Midas/PAW ready for the IC? JP - Sorta. Have on the laptop; will install soon. JDA/DH - We should check the requested beam energy. Resonance is at 268.9keV/u. CR wishes for 280. Group decides on 274... JDA - Primary purpose of the run is to test the IC operation, not really to study the resonance in 22Na. 5. CJ Upcoming 21Na Run: JDA - Anything to discuss? CJ - No. 6. ISAC ECR News: JDA - They have a very weak 18Ne beam from the ECR source, roughly 1000/second. This is "Good news". 7. Update of 12C(a,g): Unfortunately, LB not present due to TUDA run. MT presents comparisons of simulations to data of variation of incoming beam trajectory. Figures show comparison for 1.67, 0.00, and -1.67mrad. [Attachment1] Plotted is the number of counts seen in each BGO detector (in coincidence with a recoil). Data has error bars, simulation (green/greyscale) is fitted to data. DH - Rather than fit, perhaps try normalizing by total number of counts. DG - Seem to be missing something in the simulation, especially for the -1.67mrad. DH shows complicated 2D plots. Provides summary on attachment of what is plotted. [Attachment2] Points out low gain of strip 1, transmission of leaky beam, ... Discussion ensues. 8. EEC Deadline (Friday): JDA lists summary of experiments for which we are still waiting for beam, in priority: 19Ne, 13N, 26Al, 25Al, 15O, 17F, 23Mg, 11C Will generate a piece of paper to submit to the EEC to remind them that we are still waiting. 9. AOB JDA comments on the APS April Meeting (held, this year, in May!) in Denver, CO. Excellent talk on the INTEGRAL Observatory, pertaining to 26Al. No observation yet of Na22 and there is some dispute whether theories of novae indicate if it should be seen. Nice talk on O17(p,gamma) and maybe we can use as a commissioning test. There was a talk on a He3,n study on Mg24 related to levels in Si25 that could be of interest. JDA - New DSSSD has come in, but we will use the current one for CJ run. DG - Whenever someone is working around the target region, PLEASE pull back the detectors. There is another DENT in one of them, though it doesn't look like there is a light leak. AO - Is the position of the detectors the same as in the simulation? Were they pulled back at all during the 12C run? DG - Don't think so. Usually only move #2 and 3 for shielding purposes and they don't look funny in comparisons. JDA - Please put the shielding back. AO - There is an online computer forum available which can be used to improve communication between group members. The old system died because TRIUMF wasn't supporting it, but the new one looks good and could be very useful. Perhaps a student could get it working... Tentative assignment of Projects: AR - BGO stuff with DG and others KO - 21Ne stuff with DH and others MA - Al stuff with CR and others