Minutes for DRAGON meeting May 3rd 2005 =========================================================== Present: PMachule, GRuprecht, CRuiz, JCaggiano (chair), MTrinczek, DOttowell, Heather Crawford, Benji Wales, COuellet, AOllin, LBuchmann, JPearson, BGuo, TKirchner (rec.) JC welcomes Heather and Benji. 1. Minutes for DRAGON meeting, April 26th 2005 ----------------------------------------------------------- LB suggests that minutes should be submitted in plain text rather than in Word DOC format. 2. DRAGON Hardware ----------------------------------------------------------- JC: Status of water leak? DO: Probably nothing has been done yet. Water has been turned off and line was dried out. LB: Status of facility? When will gas target go back in? JC: Will have to start by next Thursday. LB: Problem at TUDA experiment: 11Li beam could be contaminated, might be desirable to shoot it into ion chamber to be sure. It doesn't matter what's in the target. Would be good to have gas target to strip charge state 2 to 3. -Can be done if Q5 is OK (water must be turned back on). LB: TUDA beam time starts Friday. JC: Can leak be fixed before Friday? DO Work on it. - Ion chamber had leak. Thinks he has fixed it, but there may still be a small leak. 3. Stable Beams: Report from H3 Experiment (JC), see attachments ----------------------------------------------------------- Last week: Characterization of 23Na implanted targets. Test how to implant 22Na into a target for 22Na(p,gamma)-reaction. Resonance was seen but not reliably identified, C build-up was quite significant. Scan of energy as function of time for resonances was performed starting with medium energy. For next target scan from high to low energy side. No RF coincidences were seen. With proton energy of 320.5 keV short runs were perfomed starting on a fresh spot, started to come off-resonance after 30-40min run. Effect is due to C build-up, because target heats up and C deposits. There is also a lot of background. Nice peak can be seen in the BGO sum histogram of offline analysis. Cut on RF peak reveals influence of background. Scan of fresh target from high to low energy. Resonances are suppressed by C build-up. LB: Eventually Na is implanted in C layer, so data may be of limited use. CR: Depends on how fast C builds up. AO: Manufactured some targets at SFU and looked at them with Auger spectroscopy. GR: EDX is another possibility to investigate the layers. JC: Did measurements every 15min with same conditions, so C layer is known as function of time. LB: Cold trap before target could solve problem. JC: Point was to find Na and reproduce old measurements. 4. AOB ----------------------------------------------------------- 1) JC: Yields of 26Al: 3x10^9 pps on Friday using high power target (65 microA) MT: Friday at 65 microA: 9x10^9 pps, yesterday 3x10^9 pps when done with faraday cup. When with gamma rays, yield has increased from Friday to Monday. Concerns about FC reliability. 2) JC: 22Na production rate is 130 pnA 3) CR reports 2 problems in GEANT simulation: - resonance was not in centre of target. Has not been noticed before. 2.5 cm outside of centre of target. Software problem, can be fixed. - only 73% transmission of recoils to end of detector. Ran simulation with emittance of beam removed, good transmission then. Reaction was placed as close to the centre as possible. There is a lot of stopping in the first pumping section. Maybe larger pumping tube for first section? According to Dave, this can be done. 4) JC: Harp scan of praque magnet used to determine what the beam energy is. Scan moves to right by .4% in energy when set to DRAGON (see attachment). This is important to keep in mind. 5) Availability of people for the upcoming run should be sent to Chris.