DRAGON Meeting Minutes - 2nd May 2006 Present: CD, GR, DAH, CR (recorder), MT, JP, JAC, CV, PM, AML, PW, RL, LB, EoC, DFOT, AH Last weeks minutes ok'd. 0. Welcome to new summer student Evan O'Connor (EoC) who will be working on acceptance-related issues. 1. TUDA Summary. Alison and Rachel give nice summary of TUDA 12C+12C run. Related to 12C burning, particularly in SN1a. Variety of exit channels important. Trying to resolve discrepancy in S-Factor between 1973 and 1981 measurements. Require to measure angular distributions and excitation functions for alpha and proton exit channels. Spectra shown with a host of peaks - ID of these is commencing. There was a large discussion on how to solve the problem of background caused by water in the 12C targets. IR laser? Cooling elsewhere? 2. 12C(a,g) re-run. Plan to run on 1.07 MeV/u resonance (26 keV wide) at 4 Torr. Require Pressure and FCM2 recorded. Scan energy range around the peak to establish maximum yield (before Friday hopefully). When found, play acceptance games (variation of quads, energy mistune etc). Start on -1% tune (5+ recoils). Will require at least one other q-state measured also (6+). 30deg EM re-installed, although may be noisy as is not correctly isolated due to uncooperative microdot connector. Shift schedule is on web. Run plan to follow. 3. Review of field. Jac had the idea of a review of the field for (p,g) reactions in particular to identify the status of important reactions and their feasibility for measurement at DRAGON. I (CR) have been nominated to do this on a timescale of around July. This survey will hopefully reveal a host of reactions that we can include in upcoming grant proposals, as well as highlighting those which are still awaiting beam. 4. AOB. 26Al(p,g) PRL reviewer report received by PRL but I (CR) have not yet received it. Rolfs 'diminishing lifetimes' paper published: K. U. Kettner et al. Journal of Physics G, 32(4),489-495, (2006)