Minutes of DRAGON meeting of March 29, 2005 Present: CO, CV, DH (recorder), DO, LB, CR, JP, AO 1. Status and preparation for E1024 (40Ca(a,g)44Ti) * Ion Chamber electronics (CV) the new ("Catania") pre-amps have been mounted inside the gas volume and cables have been re-routed to make the system now more or less noise-free. The energy-equivalent of the noise will be established using an alpha source. [The Gd source used 2 weeks ago has to be found.] The new, inside connections will not allow pulser calibration via the Frisch grid. * Charge state booster (DO) the Mark II version, which attaches to the downstream pumping \ tube, should be ready today or tomorrow (29th or 30th) * Turbo cooling (DO) the plastic flow-control valve on the TP3 circuit was blocked by green gunk. It has been cleaned out and the flow is again comparable to the other circuits. * XSLITC (DH) since last Thursday we have not been able to command slit motion via EPICS. Jane Richards and Graham Waters are working on the problem. When this is fixed it should be possible to document the problem of "Right slit stops upon Collision" which may have been responsible for the DRAGON measures of beam energy to be too high for some of the 20Ne(p,g) runs. * Software (JP) a couple of bugs have been fixed. A script was written to force initialization of VxWorks upon every StartDAQ or KillDAQ. A procedure for entering calibrations of energy or time data is planned (CO/CR/JP). * Run plan update (CV) We expect to have 40Ar++ beam in 2 days (Thursday) in order to allow an accelerator tune to be developed and an energy calibration of the IC to be done. Next week begins the first 40Ca(a,g) run. Detailed run plan is in the attachment. Action item #1: prepare a thick mylar entrance window for the planned IC running at ~50 Torr. (CO) 2. Other business None.