Minutes of DRAGON meeting March 27, 2007 Present: PM, CD, DH (recorder), MT, CR, LB, DO, JDA 0. Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted without change. 1. Hardware o 22Na target (CR) It was planned to remove the 22Na target from the Isotope Collection Station in the Mass Sep. room, check its dimensions and put it in a storage tube under Ar for storage with the sources on the cyclotron roof. However, the nuclear ventilation system (or maybe only the fan sensor) failed this morning and the planned removal has been delayed. It will be done after the meeting, if the ISAC problems get sorted out. o Power bump (DH) The turbo pump of the Final slit box was tripped off by a power bump on Saturday, but ion pumps of the electrostatic dipoles recovered. In 48 hours the pressure in the slit box rose to 0.4 Torr. Pumpdown to ~5e-6 was quite quick but it took overnight pumping to get back down to ~6e-7 Torr. 2. Vibrating wire test (DH,PM) The "vibrating wire" method for finding the magnetic centres of quadrupoles has been tested on the bench. Technique is to pass alternating current through a thin wire which is kept at constant tension. The driving force due to the wire being in a magnetic field can excite resonant transverse motion of the wire if the frequency of the AC matches a harmonic of the wire. Test was successful and indicates that we should be able to find the magnetic centre of a quad to better than 20um. Attachment to the minutes is the ppt presentation that DH would have made if his laptop had not suffered an epileptic fit. 3. REA o 22Na TRIUMF/UW chamber design (CR) Design is almost complete and detailed drawings should be shipped to UW before the end of the week o TUDRAGON chamber (DH) Box is under construction in the machine shop and we should have it by the time requested (April 11) or sooner. The lid will be shipped from Edinburgh next week. 4. Other o 20Ne(p,g) analysis (MT) Making progress with ROOT cuts. Not ready to present results yet.