DRAGON meeting - March 26, 2002 Present: LB, AO, DH, AC*, JR, SB, MC, DO * recorder 1) Minutes from last week: minor corrections implemented 2) Business arising - TUDA 21Na+p 822 keV data LB showed thick target scans of the 822 keV 21Na+p resonance in elastic scattering data at several angles from TUDA. Fits were performed with R-matrix, including a gaussian function for the beam energy spread. The best fit for the resonance gives a proton width of 5 keV. With this width, an R-matrix fit of the DRAGON 822 keV data gives a target thickness of 19 keV. It was noticed that the error bars on the lowest energy data points for the DRAGON data were too large. Fits to the TUDA data assuming a width of 15 keV gave fits with chi^squared 4 times worse than that for 5 keV width. With a 15 keV width, a fit to the DRAGON data resulted in a target thickness of 14-15 keV. Fits to the DRAGON data including interference with a tail from a high energy resonance were also performed. - Next beam period West side target station should deliver stable beam on the 10th of April, but with no contingency for unexpected problems. Schedule: RIB's on the 12th; stable beams on the evening of the 7th - Updates on the joblist (DH) Locks for fence have arrived No progress on lead shielding Peter Machule is working on the gas target thermocouple connector Rolf Keitel is working on EPICS for gas target and vacuum New EPICS on/off switch for ED power supplies NMR scope is back - Gas target studies (DH, DO) With 1.5 mm apertures on the gas target cell, a reduction in the compression ratio by a factor of 21 was observed, close to the expected value. A clean measurement of dE/dx with the small apertures seems feasible. - MCP tests (AC, MC) AC showed a spectrum of TOF between MCP and DSSSD for 148Gd alpha's. The timing resolution was determined to be 4.6 nsec. JR mentioned that this number includes effects from timing smearing due to differences among DSSSD strips. AC also showed position spectra, where changes in position were measured for different source positions. 3) Beam time plan (DH) - Stable beams: 21Ne, 260 keV, for tune-up, MCP tests, and pin-hole gas target tests 24Mg, 416 keV, for omega-gamma measurement, and acceptance study with Rutherford - 21Na radioactive beam: 822 keV/u revisited: measure dE of target, yield at three energies, possibly four. In the course of this discussion, it became apparent that AC had included systematic errors (charge state distribution error) in the error bars of the 822 keV yield data, instead of fitting only with the statistical errors. This will be corrected. JR raised concerns regarding the discarding of certain runs that were left out due to problems with the beam current normalization. DAH will examine these runs to provide an independent check. JR also suggested that one measurement should be taken well off-resonance (this would be the fourth point). 212 keV resonance revisited: at 215 keV/u gas in vs. gas out measurement; at 212.5 keV/u as discussed last time Measurements on the resonances at ~330, ~460 and ~540 keV, possibly in this order. Discussion ensued on how much time to spend on the 330 keV resonance. For this resonance, DAH suggested 4 different energies over 2 days of running, and moving on if no signal is seen. Also for this resonance, JR suggested running at a higher gas pressure to increase the target thickness. Discussion followed on whether or not this was feasible, given our present knowledge of the conditions under which our pumps might fail. - Shift schedule Participants in the run should email DAH stating when they are NOT available for shifts. [ Part 2, Application/PDF 768KB. ] [ Unable to print this part. ] [ Part 3, Application/PDF 304KB. ] [ Unable to print this part. ]