DRAGON MEETING 10:30am Board Room D.H. presiding present: ML, DH, DFOT, GR, LB, JS, PM, AO, DG, MT, MMP 1. Minutes last week approved 2. Facility Report * DH states that DRAGON performing well * later, DO trying to put in 2nd elastic monitor (across from JDA) - not sure how it was done, will need to take first apart (?) to find out * PM promises to replace J-type thermocouple to measure gas target temp. - DO offers to help 3. 12C+12C Experiment * 1.01 meV/u data taking going well - mostly 2 gamma cascade - much like GEANT simulation (too close ?) - now going to 1.15 MeV/u til Monday * GEANT study - suggests 20 MeV gammas DON'T make pairs ~1/2 the time o odd, since GEANT handles EM stuff well - MT suggests that many things being looked at that could solve issue 4. Tentative plans for 12C(a,g) * run starts about March 26 (or so) *LB wants to start at 1.76 MeV/u - 1- resonance, throwing gammas into 90deg * 17 msr opening angle means everything should be accepted * want high stats - want to try and reproduce yields by getting same answer from consecutive runs, after mistuning and retuning, etc o speculation from previous runs was energy drift * elastic monitor should help with this. wasn't working for previous run - pointed out that getting monitors working couldbe a major effort DH states that maybe detector doesn't like working in He gas - discussion about how to get it to work, what Joel did in past, etc... - big development effort, but needs to be in situ with beam to study o seems to work well with sources - DH suggests that we devote several days to the EM problem * LB suggests that we can ask Laxdal to go to 1.83, then we should go back to 1.73 for reproducibility, then even lower - 1.63 MeV/u there is a 0+ resonance, - 1.45 there is the "well known" 2+ resonance - if there is time, go even lower 'where the physics is' o noone but LB seems to think there will be time ... 5. AO reports on Catania detector study * claims that 'things were confusing' * measurements with alphas looked OK way back onto test bench - then it stopped on one side 'for no obvious reason' - later on, after testing ood side, 'bad' side starts working again o but then stopped taking bias (should take 15V) once put into beam o etc. etc. -> AO no longer trusts previous results. Not sure what is going on - hasn't yet contacted Catania * AO plans to figure out what is going on before approaching Catania * AO appealed for help. Pointed out that there is no 'drop dead date' 6. ML showed MCP results * showed 21Ne(p,g) at 268.9 KeV/u timing spectrum: - singles and gamma coincidence (see attachment) well separated. * also showed MCP-RF timing spectrum as a function of low-beta buncher voltage: attenuated beam (attachment) - optimal voltage at this energy = 90V o 1.7ns width, NOT corrected for individual strip variations - Laxdal was pleased to have this data., since there is a wide timing variation with voltage * showed similar timing spectrum for MCP-DSSD timing (attachment) - 1.7ns width for single strip - good leaky beam-recoil separation * energy separation also pretty good - BUT, for some reason Et^2 plot doesn't show good separation (attachment) o odd, since E and t individually show good beam-recoil separation o ML suggests that pulse-height defect could be an issue o DH and LB point out that timing offsets (?) could be problematic -> 2D plot of E vs t^2 would be helpful 7 Meeting ends 11:30