Minutes 2005-03-08 begin 10:35 present DFOT,DH,AO,JDA,MT,BG,PM,LB,JC,MH,DG,JP,GR,CV (recorder) 0) report from ops meeting cyclotron needs repair inside (water leak), at least 2 1/2 weeks delay in schedule. ISAC schedule has been moved back by 2 weeks. 1) DH: ED1, blue nylon on anode was replaced by black poly-ethylene voltage was rised to +/-120 kV without conditioning events. Above 120 kV two different conditioning events are observed: normal conditioning with increased currents, vacuum activities and high x-rays rates; and periodic (2-5 per min) excursions of currents, vacuum and x-rays, which seems to go on forever. with a Geiger counter the source of x-rays was located, discharges seems to be between the electrodes. Ignoring these periodic discharges the voltage could be rised to +/-155 kV, will be continued to +/-165 kV where the blue nylon had problems. A web-camera was used to see discharges, but sensitivity was to low to see something. 2) DFOT: beam interceptor is installed, will be tested asap. 3) DFOT,CV: 'beta-version' of charge state booster is installed in gas target box, a manual valve was installed to slow down roughing (one C-foil broke during pump down). Airplane servos work fine in vacuum, the foil can be seen with the CCD (5x less light with foil in). A 20 ug/cm2 C-foils was tested, but broke at 0.44 T in target. More robust 50nm SiN foils will be tested as a next step. If successful, new SiN foils should be ordered. 4) DH: status of run (HEBT/S-Bend commissioning, 23Na, 0.32 keV/u), beam at FC1, all magnets on. Water leak on Q5, temporally solution with a bucket. 5) CV: new preamp boards for IC are ready, will be installed after the run. 6) JP: back strips of DSSSD are implemented in DAQ, some work on TDC are still needed. 7) MT: E995, first hot sample run planned for Thursday evening. Improved ECR changed tuning of ECR. 9) Papers/thesis: DG: Gamma-paper is in progress DH: commissioning paper Version 2.0 is released, waiting for response CJ: writing her thesis, must leave Canada end of March 10) Students: LB: Thomas Kirchner (German student) will arrive April 4, planned to work on TUDA/TACTIC/GEANT stuff for 6 months. JDA: Chris Ouellet (MacMaster U) will arrive at the end of March for a period of ~3-4 months to work on Ca project and others. JDA: Anuj Parikh (Yale) will arive at the end of April to work on Al26 project end of meeting 11:00