Minutes of DRAGON Meeting of March 4, 2003 Present: Joel Rogers(JR),Dave Hutcheon(DH),John D'Auria(JDA),Chris Wrede(CW),Sabine Engel(SE),Cybele Jewett(CJ),Art Olin(AO), Lothar Buchmann,Dave Ottewell(DO),Catherine Neish(CN),Aaron Bebington(AB), Dario Gigliotti(DG)recorder 1)Previous Minutes -no corrections 2) Hardware a)(DH) Reports have been written for the new Q9, Q10 power supplies. See the web page. Also a saved file has been created, with the appropriate values, for the scaling program. This file does not include correct values for ED1 and ED2 b)(DH) A drawing for the solid carbon, "chain drive" target has been drawn by the design office. The design includes the following: -material obstructing gammas has been reduced -motor drive present. -switch exists to reset position of targets in case of software problems or power outage -pumping will be done through the beam line apertures, and through the turbos for roughing -chain drive is on a ~8 week delivery time -~3 month completion date on the target See attached diagrams for further details c)(AL) Faraday cups -FC1 and FCCH have working current integration in place, FC4 does not as of yet d)(DH) Profile monitor -motor drive tested and hooked up but not yet useable 3)Beam Related - (JDA) Suggestions for upcoming beam time scheduling were presented. C12 will be available today(?) and all April; IC chamber should then be installed, O16 next week. No weekends will be run in March. Days will be 16 hours. -(AB) A departure from the trend in ion energy versus pulse position found in runs 6500-7000 was found to be due to a difference in gains and offsets for DSSSD settings. After a adjustment to these parameters was made to correct for the difference these runs followed the previous trends. See attached figures for more details. 4)(JR) DAQ Hardware=-Deadtime Correction and Threshold Test -reported that 0.5 MeV separation between hardware and software thresholds is sufficient for doing analysis -deadtime will vary depending on if you are looking at gamma or HI singles -90% livetime at a count rate of 4K/s -80% livetime at a count rate of 10K/s -there was a change to the electronics which shortens the pulses to the gammaTDC, which reduces event length and therefore reduces deadtime. -change in odb to change the HI "wait time" -see attached figures for more details 5)(CN)Demonstration of CCD camera -see www.triumf.ca/dragon/CCD_instructions.html 6)(AO)Demonstation of "new" DRAGON DAQ -see "local resources" link on www.triumf.ca/dragon